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GEM Blue Star Blades advice..plz

Hello folks.. I used this particular blade but need some advice regarding it. I knew that these blades are carbon steel and they will rust sooner rather than later. I thought that the GEM SS blades were good, but the blue star was much smoother and seemed to glide over my face much better than it's SS cousin (I know YMMV applies here). However, after my shave I did notice rust stains forming.. I threw the blade in some rubbing alcohol. Anyway the shaving edge is fine without any rust spots but it has rust on other areas of it. Is this a one shave blade which needs to be pitched or is it still useable. Thanks for any advice.
I have used these with my SE Ever-Ready and they are sharper than most of the SS blades I have tried. I generally wipe the blade dry (except cutting edge) then apply baby oil on the palm portion of my thumb and rub the blades across them and put it back in a dry razor. I have used these blades to get four days shaving BBS or 5 days DFS.
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