So last nite I gave it a swirl with Mystic Water Lily of the Valley sample. It wasn't difficult, had to experiment a bit. I did face lather, seems like the easiest and most sensible way to me. I used a dollar store disposable (seriously), and I got a real smooth shave! The soap shave was much different/better than using Barbesol from a can. This weekend I get to put on my big boy pants and try my new Edwin Jagger DE87, pretty enthusiastic! I had a floppy old brush from my teenage years, so I think I want a brush with a good backbone, gotta start looking!
Quick note on Mystic Water-I was quite happy with the way business is done, order shipped next day, and their freight charges are the most realistic of any company I've delt with on anything. I really hate when vendors inflate freight!
Quick note on Mystic Water-I was quite happy with the way business is done, order shipped next day, and their freight charges are the most realistic of any company I've delt with on anything. I really hate when vendors inflate freight!