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first time safety razor user

Hello everyone!!

My first post here!

I am looking for a close shave and have been told by many friends that a safety razor provides the closest shave! A friend has recommended the Merkur 34c. I went to a B&M store that carries a bunch of them, the Merkur 34c seemed very small for my hands. I asked to see the cheapest Merkur one, it felt like a mini 5 pound dumb bell! I tried a few other Merkur that had much longer handles and seemed a little lighter. (not sure how you can tell model numbers on Merkur boxes) I was told about an online retailer that is almost (Canadian) local to me. He apparently offers B&B members a discount. http://www.fendrihan.com/ although I was told about an american based retailer that has the best prices compared to him! http://www.westcoastshaving.com/ Any comments on other Canadian retailers in the Toronto area?

I have a retailer that carries a decent amount of the Proraso line. This retailer is called SDM in Canada. They are currently offering 15% off this product line for this week. I picked up the Shaving Soap in the green container with e&m. I also picked up Omega brush. I was told these are re badged and a decent starter brush. What else do I need?

Another B&M had a Merkur for sale but couldn't tell me the model number. It really did like a 34c. She opened the box and showed me that it came with a razor blade. This brings me to the next topic. I was in the other store with the large Merkur selection and was asking about particular types of razor blades. I asked about Astra Superior Platnium, Crystal (Blue Israelis), and Gillette. The ladies didn't know about these ones but both sugguested a brand called Feathers. They called over a man and asked about the above brands. He said no and pointed at the Feathers and said they are made in japan. He said they are the sharpest ones. I told him my friend told me they were for someone with plenty of experience at shaving with a safety razor. He wanted to know who this person was. Any comments on this situation?

Looking forward to any replies.

Thanks everyone!
Welcome to B&B!

The 34c is a good razor. Don't give up on it because of the short handle. That short handle can be a good idea, because it forces you to rethink your grip on the razor. That can be good for blade angle and pressure, which are common stumbling-blocks for those new to DE shaving. You might also consider a Muehle or an Edwin Jagger.

For blades, I suggest ordering a blade sampler online. Fendrihan sells some that look reasonable (http://www.fendrihan.com/blade-samplers-c-14.html), or you could go south of the border to West Coast Shaving or Bullgoose.
Yes, a short handle isn't necessarily a bad thing. Even a razor that seems tiny, like a Goodfella, can give a good shave.

Merkurs are good razors, but my favorite is still the Edwin Jagger DE89L. It is one of the best out there. Try a sampler pack of blades, too. Blades are quite individual and you'll never find the right one (or satisfy your curiosity) until you run through a sampler pack.
Atlanta Barber and Beauty Supply has the Merkur 23C for $21.95. I use a 23C in my rotation with other razors. The 23C shaves exactly the same as my 34C, but has a longer, lighter handle. They also carry Pinaud, Jeris, Lustray, Tiger and several other brands of aftershave. Their shipping is a little high if you just order the razor. Order some Pinaud Clubman and some Virgin Island Bay Rum to make it worth your while for shipping.
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The 34 only looks small because we're all used to long handled carts.

It's actually well weighted and balanced. I found the long handled barber pole Merkur's far too heavy.

Ladies are a very poor source of information about blades, given they never use them on their face. Feathers are the sharpest, but that doesn't = best. They can be very unforgiving of poor, or learner technique. I still can't use them as they irritate my skin.

Merkur's blades don't get much positive comment, best get a sampler.
I started with a HD merkur (otherwise known as hefty classic) which is a pretty short handle. I recommend it as was suggested above, because it makes you think differently about shaving and you don't just lay into it like you would a cartridge razor. The weight balance helps you learn not to put much pressure, and just use the pressure of the razor to shave.

As for blades, I started with feathers, and they're unforgivingly sharp. You'll get a decent shave, but you'll probably cut the crud out of your face. It does, however, force you to be very careful about your technique, so it has an upside.

I suggest the sampler pack and just trying out different blades.
Hey Folks, I know this is an old thread, but I thought I would bump it versus starting a new one..

I have been wet shaving since last July.. I have learned alot! I think the key is patience and eventually you will get the hang on it.. I still have a tendency to apply pressure so even to this day, i suffer from minor weepers. This being said I am not a fan of feather blades at all! They seem to be the sharpest out of my large collection of sampler packs... I have been using my merkur HD and find it a bit too aggressive so I went shopping on ebay :blushing: I managed to find a 1940s gillette super speed in excellent condition. I couldn't believe how mild a shave it gave! :w00t: I recently learned about BST on here and scored a flare tip super speed! I learned how to clean and sanitize by reading the threads on here. Its just amazing the shine these razors still hold after 50+ years! Recently my girlfriend asked about some birthday gift ideas.. I suggested the Mergress XL :lol: With a little luck and patience she placed an order with Lee's! Like with any new product, it does take a while to get use too. I would have to say the Mergress is my new favourite because of the adjustable aspect of the razor! I love it. Here are some photos, sorry about the quality of one photo. I will post more photos for everyone.


The Omega brushes sold by SDM (Shoppers Drug Mart) are not re-badged or re-branded, they are part of the Omega product line. Omega is a well-respected manufacturer of brushes. I have both of the boar brushes stocked by SDM and love them both. They are quite good right out of the box, but get much better when they break in (about 2-4 weeks of everyday use). Make sure you check out the various wikis and videos on brush use and building lather. (Beginners tip: make sure you soak your new boar brush for at least 5 mins before each use).
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