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Finally Got Our Wall/Outfitter Tent

The wife and I have been looking at canvas wall/outfitter tents for some time for camping and hunting with the whole family. Finally pulled the trigger on one this past weekend. Got a 16x20 which is the largest stock size available from the manufacturer we bought from. Also got a privvy tent and the largest wood stove they offered. Ended up getting a good deal since we chose to have them use "blemished" canvas which still carries the same warranty and just has a few weaving flaws that cause some appearance differences.

Now comes the hard part...waiting the 3 weeks or so until they get it sewn... Can't wait to get out and do some camping!
Oh man that sounds awesome! We have a Kodiak canvas cabin tent and love it! We got to do a couple trips end of last year - one to the Florida Key's (camped on the beach) and the other over Thanksgiving to a huge state park. It's huge and it's heavy but once we get it set up and staked down it's a house in the woods! We use it as a base for bicycling, hiking, fishing, kayaking and cooking some of the best meals of the year!

Wow - that's a big tent.

I wonder how big it is all packed up.

The tent itself folds to a surprisingly small size. My uncle has a 14x27 made by the same company I purchased from and it folds into a relatively small bundle, one that you could put into a large plastic storage tub with some headroom left. The canvas itself is not all that thick and neither mine nor his has a sewn in floor. I'll post up some pics of it when I get it. Should be another week and a half or so.

We opted for the largest one they make as a stock item since there will be 4 humans and 3 rather large (lab mix, Great Pyrenees, Mastiff/Great Dane mix) dogs.
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I've been wanting to do some car camping for years and have been fascinated by the wall tents I've seen at Cabelas which can accommodate a wood stove. I'm not going that route, at least not initially, but I'd like to hear how this works out for you in case I do head down that road in the future.
Wow, I'd love to see some pictures of that one setup! Congratulations on a spectacular purchase - may it bring you decades of camping joy

- Randy
Canvas wall tents are a very nice and cozy way to camp in the bush. My FIL has a few tents and stoves, we sometimes get out hunting in late fall and we use the canvas tent; it is surprisingly easy to crank up the heat in there to an unbearable level when it is below freezing outside.

Enjoy the tent and use it in good health!
That's a huge tent to me, how long to stay camped in the same location? A tent like that must make for an awesome home away from home, though I would think it would be a pain carting it around and setting it up for a stay of less than a week. It's a very different style from how me and my wife camp, we share a 1.5 man tent. However, we do hiking trips and rarely stay in the same location for more than two nights in a row.

I'd to see some photos of it, It's more than half the square footage of our apartment.
That's a huge tent to me, how long to stay camped in the same location? A tent like that must make for an awesome home away from home, though I would think it would be a pain carting it around and setting it up for a stay of less than a week. It's a very different style from how me and my wife camp, we share a 1.5 man tent. However, we do hiking trips and rarely stay in the same location for more than two nights in a row.

I'd to see some photos of it, It's more than half the square footage of our apartment.

It's not really that time consuming to set up, 45 minutes or so for 2, faster with 3 or 4. I don't camp with minimalist considerations in mind, I want splenty of space for the family and the dogs and we don't move too much so it's only 1 set up and tear down for us. I'm bigger than a 2 man tent so that just isn't gonna happen.

I'll definitely post up some photos when I get it, I called the other day and they're pretty backlogged due to the sporting shows that have been going on, so it may be another few weeks unfortunately.
Got the call today that the tent is ready to be picked up! Only problem is figuring out a day to take off of work to go get it since their hours are the same as mine!
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