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Favorite or best adjustable

So I’ve been swearing by the Futur forever…until today that is…I was able to get my hands on a first gen Rex Ambassador, and for a second, I thought I hadn’t loaded a blade. So smooth yet agressive, like a red hot knife going through butter.

Setting 6 with a Feather blade, and thanks to the Rex, the Futur is ready to retire
For me:
Taiga and the Muramasa-top tier true adjustable, Rockwell 6s or 6c base plate adjustable
Next tier-Merkur Progress, any of the Yaqi adjustables, the HSC razor, Flexi Pearl, Parker Variant
Third Tier-Ming Shi

I wanted to love the Gillette Slim and Fatboy but my shaves weren’t close and the neck got a lot of irritation.

I wanted to love the Rex Ambassador but way too aggressive
I'm not a big fan of adjustables,as I love slim profile razors, but there is only one adjustable I just could not sell and that's the HLS Taiga. For me ,it's like an adjustable Wolfman WR2, unbelievable smooth and efficient ,a truly wonderful razor
I'm not a big fan of adjustables,as I love slim profile razors, but there is only one adjustable I just could not sell and that's the HLS Taiga. For me ,it's like an adjustable Wolfman WR2, unbelievable smooth and efficient ,a truly wonderful razor
I agree, great razor. Sometimes I wish it had a tiny bit of positive blade exposure because I apply too much pressure attempting to get a BBS. But it’s a super smooth razor and built like a tank.
There is a way to buy these right now in America, if anyone is interested PM me.
For me the Rockwell 6s is the best, though it's not an adjustable in the traditional meaning.
It's easy to use, foolproof.
Christ, @DHowz gets really exhausted whenever he has to navigate a thread with a bunch third-person **** and just wants to quit and go to sleep immediately. That's obviously just a problem with @DHowz's preferences though, so please pardon @DHowz.
And for the record, @DHowz likes his 1966 slim adjustable but would like to explore other options where first-person reviews are supported.
I have 2 195’s, a Slim, both lengths of Superadjustables, a Futur, and both lengths of Progresses.

I just got the 2 Superadjustables last Sunday at the flea market. I have not had the chance to use them yet.

My favorite, right now, is the 510. I used it for most of Shark Week. My plan was to lower the setting, if I had a bad shave. I never did, so I used it at 4 and 5.

Tomorrow, I should use a Superadjustable.
Shaving a bunch with my Blackland Osprey lately makes me think that it is one of the best if not the best adjustable. It is so smooth due to the blade clamping. It is very well balanced and the handling is terrific.
A Full Titanium Rocnel (2024 MC)
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