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Favorite "MUST TRY" Creams

For me, the most affordable of the better brands are two by Taylor of Old Bond Street: Almond and Lemon & Lime.

The Almond reminds me of the fantastic-smelling glue we used to use in primary school (apparently lots of glues used around small children are based on an almond formula as they're non-toxic). I always loved the smell of it and the shaving cream is divine.

The Lemon and Lime is also very good. It's almost smells like a dessert.

Aside from smelling good, they both lather up really well. Though they do dry out a little faster on the face than some other brands I've tried.

In the UK, John Lewis stocks a range of Taylor creams so they're easy to get hold of. A 150g tub sells for around £9.


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"gft coconut"


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What about for us Canadians who can't purchase Nancy Boy?! Been wanting to try this out but they don't ship outside of the USA.
I was lucky to get it shipped when they still were. Next time I'll order and pick up when I am in the USA on a road trip.

GFT Coconut and Proraso Blue are my other top 3.
One cream I didn't see mention is Mem Olive, made in Israel. It is designed for sensitive skin, so if you struggle with irritation I highly recommend you give it a try.
Martin de Candre (its expensive for sure so try a sample!)
XPEC (See above)
Castle Forbes Lavender or Lime
Nancy Boy Signature

The very best creams (/croaps) in my opinion.
Truefitt & Hill 1805 is a must have for sure. It has a scent you have to smell to understand, and a shave experience that is quite positively the best.
Proraso Red. Hands down my favorite cream of all time!

Razorock XXX is a very close second though. Possibly my favorite scent.
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