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Fat Boy in Sterling Silver

Board members from this august forum send me faulty razors for repairs from time to time.

Recently one such member from the board shipped me a Fat Boy for rectification of some misalignments.

After finishing the realignment I took up the soak and clean process on this rather dirty razor. Lo and behold....it turns out that this Fatty is plated with Sterling Silver instead of the normal nickel plating and it looks so clean and original.

Can anyone please educate me if Gillette ever produce Fat Boys with Sterling Silver plating...ever ??


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Fascinating. I prefer the warmth of silver over nickel or chrome, definetly, but I'd never conceived of a fatboy in such regalia. I've never heard of such a thing, before. Hmmmmm. This is thought-provoking as a replate option, for sure. I'm imagining a silver-plated slim and I like what I see!
-- Chet
a replate?

Could be a re plate....cannot rule out the possibility

How have you determined that it is fact silver?

Come on now....is it difficult to distinguish between a nickel and silver plating ?

What's the date code on it? That may help the Gillette experts here research if this was original or a re-plate.

The date code is G2 - 1961

Had a closer look at daybreak this morning and observed it has brassings on the base plate and elsewhere in the vicinity. It may afterall be a re plate job.

All said and done Silver plating on a Fat Boy looks stunning.

If it is a replate, that's the second thread about replating causing issues with adjustable razors in as many days.
hmm probably a replate but i had one too which looked like this one... after a polish it looked like a quite normal nickel one... on another one i can see the same brass like on your one...

i asked myself how you identify the sterling silver?? just watching should be not enough for identifing....
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