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I'm a Lumberjack.
Above the tie. My 8th or 9th de razor and thought to be my last. Of course with AD its not my last but a cool pic although not very original.

Always loved this picture.
Mine is a picture of a vintage French advertisement for the Darne shotgun, a rather unique sliding breech side by side double barrel, one of which is in my safe.

My youngest son is co-captain on the Ottawa Beavers senior men's rugby team. This design is one he made over the off-season for the Beavers and women's Banshees teams and was adopted as this season's informal logo. Only the players are allowed to wear the shirt...
I've offered to throw a boatload of money for one of these shirts. No dice, says the co-captain.
Fast forward to this coming October and the kid asks what are the chances a bunch of us can crash at your place when we come down for the annual Oktoberfest tournament/beer run at Thanksgiving?
Hmmmm, without a free t-shirt, no dice! :001_tt2:
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My youngest son is co-captain on the Ottawa Beavers senior men's rugby team. This design is one he made over the off-season for the Beavers and women's Banshees teams and was adopted as this season's informal logo. Only the players are allowed to wear the shirt...
I've offered to throw a boatload of money for one of these shirts. No dice, says the co-captain.
Fast forward to this coming October and the kid asks what are the chances a bunch of us can crash at your place when we come down for the annual Oktoberfest tournament/beer run at Thanksgiving?
Hmmmm, without a free t-shirt, no dice! :001_tt2:
Well said, Porgy...A man has to set limits.. and hold out for the freebies.
YKMV, your avatar reminds me of the very first t-shirt my Mom bought for me with "something" on it.
Joe Cool was the first branded clothing I was allowed to wear in the summer of '71. Paired with my Buster Brown patent leather shoes and Sears-type slacks...is there any wonder I got my butt kicked so often when I was 10 years old?
I grew up a pro wrestling fan in the 80's, some time in the mid to late 90's I started trading tapes thanks to the internet. I was getting current (for the time) tapes of Japanese promotions and stuff from the 80's.

I fell in love with the feud between Dynamite Kid and Tiger Mask and became a fan of Tiger Mask (Satoru Sayama).

For the most part any message board I am apart of I use some variation of the Tiger Mask name and my avatar is one of the six incarnations of the Tiger Mask gimmick.
Purple Tentacle from the Lucasarts game Day of the Tentacle.

"I feel like I could... like I could... like I could... TAKE ON THE WORLD!!!"
This month my avatar is John Churchill, first duke of Marlborough. He was an important English military figure of the later 17th and beginning of the 18th century and an ancestor of Winston Churchill.

I tend to change occasionally, often favoring historical figures.
Before I made an account I, like many others, lurked around here and read many posts. One of the members was using an anthropomorphic badger as his avatar; I immediately recognized it as being from the Redwall series of books. I loved those books as a kid and decided I would also use art from the series for my own avatar.

Sadly, a few google searches didn't turn up anything that I fancied, but I decided to keep the otter theme. (Redwall includes many anthropomorphic critters, and the otters were among my favorite) I liked how goofy this otter looks, and, to me, it looks like he's "faceturbating" like so many of us do after a shave.
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