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Excess soap scum from TOBS cream?

So For the past week I've been attempting to use some creams that I didn't like right of the bat when I was starting this while DE journey. TOBS was great to start with but didn't really do it for me when I was bowl lathering, however now I am face lathering and WOW that stuff is awesome. However,this AM after another awesome shave with the TOBS shave shop cream, I noticed there was a ton of soap scum at the bottom of my shave sink. I just cleaned the sink a few days ago, and rinse the sink every AM so the only thing I can attribute the increased mess to is the cream! I have also noticed my brush is getting a soap ring again and it has been less than 2 weeks since I last gave it some major cleaning. I have been on a rotation for cleaning brushes and disinfecting my razor once a month,and it has worked so far, so again I am back to the cream? Any long time TOBS users notice this too?

The bowl after 3 shaves and the blade after 2???
Nope no hard water do have a filter on the house due to unusually high chlorine taste in our city water
I have hard water and have noticed this. It's just the way it is!

Regular cleaning of your brush is a must otherways it can soon start to look scummy. I would have a look at your brush hair closer to the middle of the knot, you will find a fair bit stuck in the middle.
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