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Ebay Win - Razor Identity

Pulling the auction photo over to save everyone the trip...

Is there really a difference between rocket and Aristocrat Jr?????????????

Well, yes and no. The older Aristocrat Juniors had a thick, solid guard plate like the Aristocrats of the era instead of the thin, diamond-stamped one that the Rocket had. The easiest way to see this is to have a shot from under or inside the head. See below. But it seems that later on in their run the Aristocrat Junior switched to pretty much just be a Rocket in a different case. However, they may still have gotten more attention during the polishing and finishing process than the Rocket's did.

Porter, great info on the Parat. It takes a keen eye and knowledge to Id these almost identical razors. Kinda like trying to judge a Miss Universe pageant..to me they all look beautiful and identical and are all winners
It looks like a Parat to me -- a Rocket variant where the knob is the same width as the handle.

I can't pass up the rare opportunity to add something to what Porter says.
I believe Mr Razor acquired some NOS Aristocrat Jrs. last year or the year before, and their knobs were the same as the Parat.

edit: and, of course, I was wrong in my recollection. *sigh*. it was a NOS Rockets.
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