If that slim was truly NOS it would still be in the blister pack. I found a slim a few weeks ago in the same condition with warranty and instructions. Was it used? I would have to say yes as the packaging was missing.
This same seller has claimed to find all these Gillette razors in pristine condition. I just do not see it happening. I would say on the conservative side that I have found well over 200 razors. I have maybe and I stress maybe found 3 in this type of shape that the seller finds on what seem like a daily basis.
In the late 70s I worked for Sherwin Williams mixing paint in a commercial facility. All the dark reds similar to a redtip contained lead. In fact all safety colors contained lead. It had to due in part with the color retention of lead based paint and the ability to achieve a dark looking color. It would be interesting to check a legimate redtip and see if it contained lead. Most redtops have chips, this is normal for reds as they contained the highest amount of pigment.
If you ever notice this seller always has perfect red tips. I just don't see it as red was the most unstable of all colors. Over time paint degrades and unless all these razors were locked it a temperature and light controlled vault, they would be subjected to the same conditions that I have found razors in. I have never seen a home, antique store or thrift shop willing to go to the expense to do so.
I will give it to them for great photography skill and marketing. I just don't buy it that these razors have not been replated and in the case of red and blue tips repainted.
Ultimately things are worth whatever people are willing to pay for them.
The items from that particular seller do go for higher values than others do, pretty pictures and a good polish go along way on ebay.![]()
The value of anything is in what it is worth to you.
I once paid $225.00 for an old fire hydrant. Was it worth it to me? You betcha! Would it have been worth that to most other folks? Not by a long shot.
Enjoy your razors.![]()
ebayer cedarman do sell nice things, they do alota cosigning. and the cosignees someties dont diclose proper or true descrptions..they replate and then sell as mint or they recondion alota razors. such as buying a $5 fatboy, then replating for $20 bucks and selling fatboy for 200 bucks as original mint. they do accept reutrns and they do reimburse return fees
@ BIT32... im not protesting, but if i pay almost 400 bucks for something and when i get it its not as described i do object, i have nothing against cosigment its cool with me if that helps your sells, but if i get something and the info is incorrect then i do object. its ok replate heck atleast im getting a clean razor,but real collectors would object(i;m not collector), heck i just sold alota replated razors and i do state that before the sale. the point we are making is that these finds are not authentic or geniune and some are reconditioned. its just an open observation not a jeolousy or any other anomosity thing. i still buy from cedarman, he husband/wife sellers are a great ebayer team. they lead by example and are an asset to ebay,they refund all fees plus ship fees, not alota ebayers do that without ebay intervening. cedarman is not a swindlwer or bad seller or they wouldnt refund at all. but most of their stuff is not authentic and is reconditioned. alot of collectors are aware of that and can atest to that, not that there is anything wrong with that. cedarman is great ebay seller, im personally endorsing this![]()