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Dublin Tweed - Mama Bear

Has anyone compared Mama Bear's Dublin Tweed directly to Green Irish Tweed?
If so, how close are the scents? Also, does Mama Bear's cologne last a decent amount of time on the skin? I know GIT goes for HOURS!
Maybe I am off, but I didn't find it to be all that close. I don't know if this is heresy, but I found it closer to irish spring. Also, I didn't have a full soap, I am basing this off of a sample.
You're right, Tricky, it's not all that close. The MB scent is very good, and reminded me of the scents my grandfather used to wear. The Creed GIT soap is much more subdued, and side by side, very different. Maybe that's why the MB scent is "GIT Type", with common base scents to original GIT, but playing its own unique riff. I love the MB Dublin Tweed scent and soap, as it's a great performer as well.
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