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Dr. Squatch Green Henson Safety Razor

As of today, September 8th, Dr. Squatch will be selling a custom Henson AL13 razor for a limited time.

Dr. Squatch is on a mission to raise the bar for the men's grooming industry and change the way men approach their hygiene by providing healthy and natural products. Their product line is 98% natural and includes everything from a natural cold process bar soap to aluminum-free deodorant.
Several months ago, after testing out a Henson razor themselves, they asked us about a collaboration.
Henson fans are familiar with the Henson AL13 mild razor, but we're excited for Dr. Squatch to share this unique branded product with their fans.
Color is good. Oddly Menards sells Dr Sasquatch soap bars and this razor is the same shade of green as the Pine Tar scent soap bar.
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Slickness is a sickness
The more collaborations there are like this, the greater the popularity.

Yep. More exposure will help grow the popularity of traditional wet shaving. Hopefully it leads to more demand and a greater selection of products at local B&M stores.

The green is pretty nice too.
Yeah that green is awesome.
Color is good

Before I clicked on the link, a was envisioning a "Hulk" green, and happily surprised to see a forest green Hensoon. Much nicer color.
Anyone have one yet?
I bought one during the BF sale. For the price ($45USD) I couldn’t pass it up. It’s a nice daily shaver if you can get a clean shave with mild aggression like me. I’ll probably delegate it for use as a travel razor. It won’t displace my EJ DE89 Chatsworth Lined that I also snapped up during their BF sale ($62USD delivered).
The green reminds me of the New York Jets green. While I wasn't going to pay $70.00 for it, there was a 35% off BF deal that brought it down to $45.00 which was much more reasonable to me. It arrives today and I'll post some thoughts after I get a chance to use it tomorrow morning.
So, I received ghe Dr. Squatch today. It's a bit darker than I expected based on the various pictures I've seen.

My question is, how are the blades that come with it? My favorite blades are Personna Lab, Wilkinson Sword (Germany), and Feather.

What are the RK blades comparable to?
I had my 1st shave with the Dr. Sqatch/Henson AL13 this morning. As someone whose been using DE razors for close to 30 years, this was nothing new to me. I used my usual Cremo Bourbon Vanilla cream and went with an RK blade as provided with the razor. The majority of my wetshaving has been done with various adjustables from the Merkur Progress to my current daily driver a '59 Fatboy. I do ocassionally use a Merkur 34C as well. I had a 4 day's growth of beard on my face for this.

My 1st thoughts on the WTG pass was "damn it's easy to find the angle with this razor." followed quickly with "This is smooth but very mild. Will it be able to get a good 1st pass?" For comparison my usual 1st pass is with the fatboy and Personna Blue lab or Feather (depending on my mood) at setting 5. After finishing the 1st pass my face was a bit more stubbly than with the fatboy. But felt pretty good.

the 2nd pass was an across the grain pass and after lathering up again went very quickly and smoothly. Did my 3rd pass (againist the grain and touch up) and was done. nice and smooth and irritation free even on my neck with sometimes has some irritation.

The razor is probably the lightest I've ever used and rinses clean very easily. I was able to get under my nose better than with the Fatboy which is a big plus IMO. The handle gave good grip and I didn't feel like it would slip at all. The RK blade was ok, but not the sharpest I've ever used. I'll have to see how it fares over the next week or so. The Feathers give me about 3 good shaves and I can get 4-6 shaves out of the Personnas. Once the RK is is done I'll give it a try with the Personna and a Feather blade. I think based on expereince that this with a a Feather blade might be the perfect shave.

After that I've got a bunch of other blades from a WCS sample pack I'll have to give a try to. None of which really worked for me in the Fatboy or Slim adjustable.

Did my second shave with teh RK and I could tell by the end of the shave that I'm likely to only get 2 good shaves out of these blades. I felt a lot of tugging by the 3rd pass. I could probably push 3 out of it, but with the number of other blades I have, it's not worth it. Next up are Feather blades which used to be my go-to blades until I came across the Personnas. or maybe I'll try something I've got left from the sample pack and see how those go.
Did a shave with A Feather in the green machine this morning. OMG!!! What a great combination. Near BBS on the 1st pass. 2nd (XTG) was good, though the fixed angle of the head made it a bit tougher in some areas. 3rd/cleanup pass was super smooth.

Only very minor irritation on my neck which I attribute to over shaving the area. We'll see how the next few shaves go. I know from experience that I get 3 good shaves from a Feather blade.
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