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Does anyone else have trouble with magical disappearing soap?

I tried 3 samples and a puck, they all became bath soap. The scents were incredible, but when you have MdC, PdP, and Harris sitting there on the shelf laughing at you while you're messing around with MW, and then the owner insists that it's the regiment that's out of step, not her, well, I think you know the rest.
Michael, you misrepresent my position. The fact is, some people don't like my soap and others do, which isn't unusual for any product. I'm very upfront about not including saponified coconut oil, which is what makes for quick lather. A lot of men with dry, sensitive skin are happy to have an alternative they can use and they do get great lather - you've seen the pictures and the videos which speak for themselves. All I can say is that I'll continue to work to improve the latherability and in the meanwhile I'm glad that there is no lack of alternatives for you to use.
I love it, and have enjoyed it for a few years now. Every once in a while I get a lather that seems to dissipate. For a while I went through a streak where I had 2 or 3 fairly poor lathers out of about 5 or 6 attempts. That was the first time I understood what people are talking about.

I put the soap away for a week and came back to it with a finest badger and got an absolutely luxurious lather. Since then I have not had any trouble with it. I have no explanation for what happened.

The lather, when it's done right, is the consistency of Greek yogurt. The scents are wonderful. One of my favorite soaps, to be sure.
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