I read to my horror today that the tallow in Cella Sapone turns rancid with time. So what's the thing to do? Freeze it? I have so much soap it might be years before I consume very much of the kilo brick. Help a brother out. Thanks.
I use a food saver and after sealing it, place my unused cut- up in 125g chunks package in the fridge, just in case
I believe Marco advises that keeping it in an airtight container away from sunlight and heat is what he does with his Cella.
I use the same storage method for MWF and have never had an issue with it drying out and cracking either.
I've been through many bricks of Cella and have never had it go rancid. As mentioned above, an airtight container will keep it fresh. Whenever I open a new brick, I press it into several plastic containers and store them in my vanity drawer until needed. I use the same storage method for MWF and have never had an issue with it drying out and cracking either.