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"DIY Safety Razor Handle" entry from blogsite...

Forgive me if this has already been posted....

I just stumbled onto this entry (also pasted below) over on the BrettBeauregard's project blog.

BrettBeauregard's project blog said:
DIY Safety Razor Handle


It’s terrifying. I’m still in shock that it actually works, but it totally does. One dollar of materials and two or three hours of work, and I now have a safety razor of my very own.

Why? Why would you do something like this?
Basically, I’m cheap and I like making things for myself. I’d been toying with the idea off-and-on since reading a Lifehacker post on safety razors. It all came together for me this past week.


I was looking at an image from an old razor patent when inspiration struck. Based on the known razor width and some trigonometry, I was able to determine that the two main radii were 0.53″ and 0.66″. It turns out that these are almost identical to 3/4″ and 1″ sch40 pvc, which is available everywhere.



Sorry. No mid-build pictures on this project. I never thought it would work. This was supposed to be a study of sorts, just seeing how things might work in further iterations. Instead it worked, and I’m stuck trying to give the gist of it…

1. Cut a piece of 3/4″ pvc slightly bigger than the desired top piece.
2. Wrap sandpaper around some 1″ pvc and sand down the botton edge of the 3/4″.
3. Cut a section of 1″ pvc for the bottom piece.
4. Make holes in the top and bottom pieces.
5. Run a bead of jbweld down the center of the top piece. as it hardens shape it into a ridge.
6. After the jb hardens, sand such that it just fits the blade’s slot.
7. Remove material from the bottom piece to make room for the jb ridge.
8. In theory, you’re done! In reality there’s some fine-tuning to do. It took me about an hour of trial-and-error sanding until I was happy with the final shape of the top piece.

I’m going to shave with this for awhile, and when I make the next one I’ll try to be more diligent about documentation.


:thumbup: SO.... B&B'ers... would you ever try making something like this, let alone use it?! Pretty creative and wild project!
I've attempted it, albeit without proper machining tools. More trouble than it's worth IMO, and i'm a very diy kinda guy.

Copper pipe would be a more viable/worthwhile (but also more expensive) way to go about making a razor head. Easy to work with, easy to join/fuse/solder, readily takes to plating. !t would be a bit more delicate than plastic (if dropped, etc...) but would take a nice polish/finish soo much better and easier
Sorry, but I fail to see the frugality of such a project; I consider this project to basically be a waste of time.

I consider my time to be worth something (quite a lot actually, since we can never get time back), and dedicating 2-3 hours on a project when I could easily purchase a superior product for $10-$15 seems entirely pointless to me.

If I consider that as a professional, my time is worth $25 an hour, than this project is the equivalent of a $75 razor!!! :blink::blink:


My elbows leak
Staff member
Yeah. Thanks.

I think making my own razor out of PVC, JB Weld and all-thread is on my list of things I'd rather not DIY
I'm pretty sure I remember another thread on this, but it must have been a while, and I can't find it. Maybe it's deja vu.

Maybe it's deja vu.

Anyway, it amused the person who wrote that blog to spend some time trying to construct a usable razor from unlikely materials. It amuses us to read about it briefly and move on.

I have no intention of trying to copy this, or trying to shave with any razor that I made from scratch myself.
Sorry, but I fail to see the frugality of such a project; I consider this project to basically be a waste of time.

I consider my time to be worth something (quite a lot actually, since we can never get time back), and dedicating 2-3 hours on a project when I could easily purchase a superior product for $10-$15 seems entirely pointless to me.

If I consider that as a professional, my time is worth $25 an hour, than this project is the equivalent of a $75 razor!!! :blink::blink:

I would see this as more of a hobby thing than anything else. Haven't you ever had an idea, and just tried it out (for fun), to see if it worked? My guess is that this guy isn't shaving with this thing on a regular basis. This was pure entertainment. Some of us pay 13 bucks to see a two hour movie. This guy spent a few bucks on raw materials and made something cool.
i would see this as more of a hobby thing than anything else. Haven't you ever had an idea, and just tried it out (for fun), to see if it worked? My guess is that this guy isn't shaving with this thing on a regular basis. This was pure entertainment. Some of us pay 13 bucks to see a two hour movie. This guy spent a few bucks on raw materials and made something cool.

My guess is that this guy isn't shaving with this thing on a regular basis. This was pure entertainment. Some of us pay 13 bucks to see a two hour movie. This guy spent a few bucks on raw materials and made something cool.

Exactly! And that great explanation doesn't even include possibility of the kind of breakthrough one sometimes stumbles upon from tinkering.
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