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Dilemma of my own making.

I am in need of some advice from those who are many moons further in their journey.

As some of you know, I am about 10 days into my DE journey. I initially ordered an EJ DE89 Chatsworth Barley set (razor / stand / brush) and have used it exclusively to this point (pic below). I recently order a smaller EJ DE89 to see how I would like the lighter razor. I will be shaving with the new razor for the first time in the morning, but I have felt the new razor w/o a blade and I really like the weight.

Here is the dilemma:

The Barley engraving on the standard EJ DE89 is not the same Barley on the DE89 Chatsworth set. The Chatsworth Barley is a very elegant "weave" type engraving. So, if I end up liking the lighter razor better, I could B/S/T the Chatsworth razor, but then the Chatsworth Barley brush would not match my new razor. Also, the smaller DE89 will not fit in the stand. I won't apologize for being that detailed, it is just how I am. So, in that scenario, I would be B/S/T'ing the whole set for a lighter razor.

So, what would you do?

Keep both for a while at least, maybe you will find that you appreciate the heavier handle on some days while other days you prefer the lighter handle, this has been the case with me, some days I use heavy handles and other days I use lighter handles, it is nice to have a little variety to choose from. If you find that after a while you know longer care for the set or the lighter razor then selling at that time will be better.
Keep both for a while at least, maybe you will find that you appreciate the heavier handle on some days while other days you prefer the lighter handle, this has been the case with me, some days I use heavy handles and other days I use lighter handles, it is nice to have a little variety to choose from. If you find that after a while you know longer care for the set or the lighter razor then selling at that time will be better.

Sound advice....I am still new enough to this....no need to rush.

Shame on EJ though for not using the same Barley. You really have to see/feel the Chatsworth Barley to appreciate it. It is just that good.
Sell both and buy a Futur and all your razor needs are solved!

Honestly, Erik's answer is on the money. Get a month of shaves under your belt with the DE89 before you decide on anything.
Keep both. Until you run out of places to put them...you may feel like taking the other for a spin one day and wish you never got rid of it...OR make the older one your travel razor!
Sound advice....I am still new enough to this....no need to rush.

Shame on EJ though for not using the same Barley. You really have to see/feel the Chatsworth Barley to appreciate it. It is just that good.

Perfect. Thanks for the offer, I'll let you know what I think of it when it arrives! PM incoming with addy! :lol:
Now back to our regularly scheduled broadcast.

Keep both. The new EJ didn't set you back nearly as much as the Chatsworth set. Barely the price of a good 100 pack of blades. SWMBO spends more one ONE shoe, I promise you, whether she tells you so or not.
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