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Damn Comfortable Shave

Chan Eil Whiskers

Fumbling about.
A Boker was up today for my Thursday shave.


It's not a bad edge, but it's certainly not Top Drawer. I will examine the honing history of this razor before deciding how to proceed. It was last honed only on the finishing side of the DCA; perhaps it needs more of the same, but I'm not sure.

Here is some of the razor's honing history. Link & other link. Maybe there is other history to dig up; I'll make sure before I do anything else.

The shave was certain reasonably okay, but not as good as I want my shaves to be.

I very much enjoyed using the new ABC soap. You can see how full the container is. This is a substantial puck since it takes pretty little soap to load and lather. The scent? Soap scent, but very pleasant. It's very creamy and rich.

As always, this brush is a great one.


I also used some Cremo Moisturizer. My skin is feeling a bit dry (and I'm not saying it's the soap; nor am I saying it isn't the soap; that jury will be out for a while).

Happy shaves to you,

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Chan Eil Whiskers

Fumbling about.
A Boker was up today for my Thursday shave. It's not a bad edge, but it's certainly not Top Drawer. I will examine the honing history of this razor before deciding how to proceed. It was last honed only on the finishing side of the DCA; perhaps it needs more of the same, but I'm not sure. Here is some of the razor's honing history. Link & other link. Maybe there is other history to dig up; I'll make sure before I do anything else.The shave was certain reasonably okay, but not as good as I want my shaves to be.

Here's another honing link. So, I did set the bevel on this razor. Good news. Simplifies matters. Maybe just a bit more honing on the DCA + maybe pasted strops? I'll think about it.

Chan Eil Whiskers

Fumbling about.
My Friday shave was good.


Today's razor ^ is my Kinfolks #1.

Over time my other Kinfolks razor, the one I call my Kinfolks #2, which has prettier scales and an ugly blade, has generally had the better edge.


That's ^ the Kinfolks #2.

I sure do have trouble remembering which of these razors is which!

Based on the last shaves with these two Kinfolks, including today's, I think maybe the Kinfolks #1 has the better edge now. I'm not sure it's totally maxed out, but it was a pretty decent edge today.

I'll call it Top Drawer. Not Top of the Top.

My shave was good, but could have been better; my technique could be better. Still, part of the issue is the white whiskers on my chin are just impossible to see during the shave. Sometimes I get rid of all of them, and sometimes I miss a few.


I enjoyed today's software and brush.

Happy shaves,


Chan Eil Whiskers

Fumbling about.
A bit of Saturday honing...

My current honing is entirely focused on these seven razors.

The top two, Bismarck and Torrey 136, are sufficiently Top Drawer and received no attention today.

2-1-20.Honing(5 0f 7).640.DCA-Hard(only).JPG

The others were all honed only on the hard, finishing, black side of the Double Convex Arkansas 8x3 using Ballistol & water mixture as a lubricant. My focus was on very light strokes.
  • Kinfolks #2
  • Kinfolks #1
  • Robeson
  • Boker Tree
  • Tanifuji (red)
All were stropped on the denim side and then the horse (shell) side of my big French strop.


The photo ^ shows the strop right after I received it having bought it on the BST (Jarrod was out of stock). It's not generally hanging from a lamp's switch.

Elbow Grease In A Bottle.jpg

I used only a little dab of this ^ stuff today.

Shave tests will tell the tale. I have confidence in few of these edges.

I planned to use a Sharpie today but my Sharpie is not performing well. I was too lazy to go to the Sharpie Store for another.

Happy shaves,


Chan Eil Whiskers

Fumbling about.
Saturday's shave test was good.


Just a pretty much one pass, pretty much ATG, little shave today.

I'd put the edge on this Robeson in the Top Drawer range. Maybe midways towards Top of the Top. That said, I doubt it's maxed out (but who cares at this point).

Antica Barbieria Colla is an excellent shaving soap.


I like today's kit.

This is a very nice razor and edge. Glad somebody told me about this brand. Needless to say, I'm always very happy to report and have another truly shave ready, sharp and comfortable, razor.

Happy shaves to you,

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Chan Eil Whiskers

Fumbling about.
Monday's shave - another educational shave test - was very good indeed.


The edge on this Kinfolks razor (my Kinfolks #2, ugly blade, nice scales) is Top of the Top. Gloriously sharp. Comfortable. Smooth feeling and smooth shaving.

Is the edge maxed out? I don't know, but I also don't much care.

It's the sort of edge which convinces you right away. Any issues with today's shave are technique related.

That means I could be better as a shaver of my chin. I'm not missing much, but the entirely of my chin is not 100% free of little bits of white stubble. No, I'm not saying anyone else would notice it. I have to look hard. Can't blame the edge.


Today's Stirling brush performs well enough. It's probably the least favorite of my three Stirling finest (two band) brushes. It's not dense, but that does't mean it doesn't work well enough. I bought it for the pretty handle and was surprised to find it not quite as great as my other Stirling badgers and my Yaqi two bands.

This ABC soap is more or less neutral in the post and post post shave departments on my skin. However, rating it according to the shave I get using it it is a Top Drawer shaving soap (and mine is the hard soap, not the cream). I'm enjoying it.

Scent? Soap scent, but very pleasant. Perhaps a very slight hint of almond.


Shaves of this sort are always worth celebrating.

Happy shaves,


Chan Eil Whiskers

Fumbling about.
Tuesday's shave - again a shave test - was good.


The edge on this Kinfolks, my Kinfolks #1, is good. It's very good, probably Top Drawer, but definitely not quite maxed out. When it is will it be Top of the Top like it's cousin, Kinfolks #2?


A very nice shave but not as good as yesterday's shave.

Not complaining 'cause it's a nice edge and 'cause it is very likely to improve with a bit more work on the finishing side of the DCA.

Happy shaves to you,


Chan Eil Whiskers

Fumbling about.
Wednesday's shave continued the theme by being yet another shave test.


These seven razors are my current honing project.

The top three in the photo are the most finished - they're sharp enough and smooth enough to suit me - so they'll receive no more work for now. It's possible they could yet be further maxed out, but I'm kinda so what about that. They suit me.

What about the bottom four razors pictured?


My red Tanifuji is certainly shave ready. A quick one pass, ATG, N-S shave today was about all I needed on a day when I don't have to go to the office. I might say this one is Top Drawer, and I'd say it's the sharpest of the bottom four in terms of the shave delivered, but I know it's not maxed out so it will be further honed on the DCA's finishing side along with the other three on the bottom in the photo.

It's very smooth and comfortable.


Used a few drops of this magic elixir on damp skin. Great stuff. You need to buy yourself some! Yes, you do, I'm not kidding about how great it is. A little bottle lasts a long long time, too, so it's cheap.

That 30 mm MS silvertip brush is the bee's knees.

I had a little Honey Do project to accomplish for my wife. I thought it would take a couple of hours including going to the men's mall for parts but was pleasantly surprised to find once I looked at it closely I could do it in minutes. The hardest part was moving the big step ladder fifteen feet (and that ain't hard at all). Don't tell her how easy it was. I need all the points I can get.

Happy shaves,


Chan Eil Whiskers

Fumbling about.
A bit of honing...


Just on the hard side of the DCA. Just these four razors.
  1. Tanifuji (red)
  2. Boker
  3. Robeson
  4. Kinfolks #1
Honed in that order. Ballistol & water mixture. Very light honing.


The top group is done. The gold stuff on the stone is from the other razor (not pictured) which is a new alloy. Although it's a very high carat it's been developed to hold an edge very well. I'm just experimenting with it and didn't realize it had left a residue. Probably not a good sign.

Oh, well, you know how an RSO can be.

These four edges will be shave tested soon enough.

Happy shaves,


Chan Eil Whiskers

Fumbling about.
How many razors do you own now. I am seriously impressed.

Congratulations on your appointment. It looks like a good time to become an ambassador because of the assignments being made to various forums. I don't know if it will work out as a great idea, but it seems to me to be very much worth a try.


I have a few razors. Looks like more 'cause I'm so slow to get 'em sharp. Have to hone the same ones over and over. At least I finally have an approach to the mess including a way to gauge my progress.

Sets of seven help.

Happy shaves,

Congratulations on your appointment. It looks like a good time to become an ambassador because of the assignments being made to various forums. I don't know if it will work out as a great idea, but it seems to me to be very much worth a try.

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I have a few razors. Looks like more 'cause I'm so slow to get 'em sharp. Have to hone the same ones over and over. At least I finally have an approach to the mess including a way to gauge my progress.

Sets of seven help.

Happy shaves,

Thanks Jim.

I have learnt so much on B&B and like the people here so much, particularly the BOSC crowd (though only for day visits - I am not crazy, I am not shaving crazy...) I hope I can give something back to the community.

Chan Eil Whiskers

Fumbling about.
Thursday shave was another shave test. The edge tested? My red Tanifuji. Again?


Yes, again. It's better today than yesterday and yesterday it was very good indeed. It was honed a bit after yesterday's shave. Not sure it's maxed out, but it may be so good I'll leave it alone. It is either Top of the Top or very close. Very very smooth and also very sharp.

My first pass, N-S, more or less ATG, was excellent. That's the standard for me, or at least a major component assuming comfort.

A Damn Comfortable Shave is always my top requirement!


Excellent kit today. This soap is extremely creamy. If you like creamy soaps...which I do.

Happy shaves to you,

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