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Cream with cologne type scent.


Please throw some recommendations my way for "cologne" type scented shaving cream. I'm looking for something that's masculine but not too musky.

Thanks in advance!
XPEC has a very cologney scent. I can't remember whether it's very musky because I don't have it anymore. The scent was way too strong for me.
You would like TOBS Jermyn St.

I was reading several threads about it. I think I might be sold on it. The only thing I'm worried about is it drying out fast. I read a small number of reviews/posts that said it dries out a little faster than the rest of the TOBS line.

Speaking of TOBS, does anyone have any experience with the shave shop scent?
I have TOBS St.James which smells like an aquatic cologne. I have a sample of Eton College as well which has a nice scent as well, very citrusy.
T&H: 1805, Trafalgar, Grafton.
Trumpers GFT (a very nice lemon cologne scent with a subtle pepper(?) note).
I was extremely excited about the new Musgo Real scents, but I found them all too "cologney". Great performance (just like the original) but not my first choice in scent.


my brain goes "thonk"
I like TOBS Shave Shop. To me it brings to mind CEO's sitting around in a private club in 3 piece suits reading news papers,smoking cigars, and sipping their favorate alcoholic beverage. It's not very strong, but has enough scent to get your attention. I like I Coloniali Rhubarb for a colonge like fragrance. It's a good performer for the price and I think it performs as well as some of the more expensive creams.
Pen's BB for sure
one of best scented creams around.
not musky, rather citrusy with a little pepper and spice.
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