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Couldn't pass this one up...Green Beehive

Paid a lot more for it than I should, but the seller accepted my offer and it's mine now...all mine!!! :001_tt2: Good thing I just got a bonus from work!


I'll have to wait and see what the original knot looks like, but if it's like any other vintage brushes I've purchased, I'll probably be ripping it out and replacing it with something from TGN.

Here's a photo I just grabbed off FleaBay:

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Nice score and yeah maybe a little more money than it should have been but its a fantastic shape and the colour is excellent i spotted it the other day but the price of the shipping was enough to put me off $42 to send it to the uk plus the cost of the brush a new knot then the import duty on top....

make sure we get plenty of pics once re-knotted any idea's on what type of knot...
I saw that too. Didn't see the best offer option though. I am trying to stick with butterscotch only now but my collection is growing just as fast. Very nice score infant wait to see it reknotted.
I saw that brush last night. Glad I was able to resist. I got a killer deal on three GF Trumper brushes on Etsy this afternoon.
doesn't matter what you paid if you bought it for yourself or someone you love!

A friend told me that once at an auction and i will never forget it and practice it to this day.
great score Larry!! that's an amazing brush! I paid about the same for a green Ever Ready, wouldn't normally pay that much but it was immaculate and a self-birthday present. =) I'm sure you'll find it is well worth it.
Received the brush today...I'm pumped. It's every bit as nice as I had hoped. It's a little bugger...only 36mm high by 36mm wide (that's 1 7/16" x 1 7/16" for us Luddites), but very comfortable in hand. Plenty of heft since it's pretty much solid Bakelite(?). There's more brown mixed in with the green than I thought, and even a little bit of yellow. I think it's awesome!

The nicest thing was removing the knot. I started tugging on it and noticed that it wiggled a bit. I took a pair of pliers to the knot, held onto the handle tightly, and gave it a twist. With a little bit of wiggling, the whole knot popped out intact! Also, another surprise was to find that there was a slice of cork at the bottom of the hole as a spacer/filler. That's the first factory brush I've seen that used cork. The knot hole is 20mm, which kind of surprised me for such a small handle. I have an 18mm knot coming in this week from TGN for a different brush, so I'm going to test fit it in here and see how it looks. I don't want to have to open up the hole and take a chance of damaging the handle.

There are no manufacturer's identifying marks at all on the handle, and I did a microscopic exam looking for something, so it's just going to have to go down as the "Green Beehive."

Here's some quickie cell phone photos after yanking out the knot:



Very nice Larry. That looks like the same material as my Ever Ready I posted in my thread last night. I love the shape of it and makes it even nicer that the knot just popped out. Don't happen very often.
Man that thing is gorgeous. I wish I would have grabbed it now. Glad you got the knot easily. Post more pics once you have a new knot in it. Great score!!
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