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Comment from wife

Last night after I shaved, my wife rubbed my cheek and said, "man, I love how soft your skin has become. Just like a baby's bottom." Pretty cool.
My wife gets really annoyed if I spend more than 5 minutes shaving, and she can't understand if I shave more than once every couple of days. I think she resents me enjoying myself too much :) but i love her still :)) Strange thing is, she hates stubble.


My elbows leak
Staff member
You should be set unless she smears vaseline on your mug and pins it up in a white cotton cloth.
Is that universal or do a lot of women still prefer a rugged, Wyatt Earp-like leathery skin?

Well we can only express our own opinions I guess, but while the look of stubble can be sexy, the feeling of kissing stubble most definitely is not. I would much rather just kiss someone with a beard than get stubble burn around my mouth! In the past I've actually politely requested boyfriends go and shave as it was too sore to kiss them for long!
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