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***CLOSED***WildWest74's 1000th Post PIF!***Winner chosen***

Howdy, folks!

I almost can’t believe I finally made it to my 1000th post here at B&B. I can remember the excitement when I first got into DEs, artisan soaps and aftershaves, and then straights. The advice and stories that everyone has shared have been very valuable.

Another thing I appreciate about this site is the generosity known as the PIF. I have been the recipient of some very generous PIFs, and I like to think the ones I have given made people happy.

With that, what better way to celebrate 1000 posts that with a PIF?

This will be open to any member with at least 50 posts who has been a member for at least 30 days. It will also be open worldwide!

What will you receive?


This box will definitely contain a razor and some soaps, along with anything else I feel inclined to include. I plan to tailor the final package to meet the winner’s preferences, based on their post history and through direct messages after the PIF is over.

How do you enter?

Please post your favorite western image and/or quote. The quote can be from any western movie, television show, book, or even from a historical figure. But it has to be WESTERN!

I plan to keep the PIF open until Monday, 10 July, which will also mark my 2 year anniversary of joining the forum. At that point I will use some method to determine the winner. I may use random.org, or pick whichever entry makes me the happiest, or I may put everyone’s name on the floor and let my cat pick. IT’S A 1000 POST PIF! WHO NEEDS RULES?!?!?

Seriously though, I hope you all join in. I really do appreciate the community here, and look forward to giving a little back.

Alright, everyone… DRAW!

I'm in. I'll start with a Roy Roger's quote, "if there were no valleys of sadness and death, we could never really appreciate the sunshine of happiness on the mountain top." my version is that it takes the tough days to truly enjoy the good ones.

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I'm in! Congrats on your milestone and thank you for your generosity. I especially respect that your going worldwide!

My ultimate favorite western quote comes from my man Josey Wales:

The hymn, "Rock of Ages", I can't sing it ever without thinking of Clint Eastwood in Hang'Em High.

I'm in.
There are 2 that I think of off hand.
"There’s right and there’s wrong. You got to do one or the other. You do the one and you’re living. You do the other and you may be walking around, but you’re dead as a beaver hat.” - John Wayne in The Alamo

"Yeah, but I shoot with this one." - Gene Wilder in Blazing Saddles
I'm in! My favorite western (with my favorite image) is The Searchers--brilliant ending. But my favorite western quote that I use whenever I want to sound like a cowboy, is John Cleese's from Monty Python. It has to be said with your best British Gary Cooper impression: A man can run and run for year after year until all he finds is what he's runnin' from is hisself. A man's gotta do what a man's gotta do and there aint no sense in runnin'. No you go back in there, son, hold your head up high and be a man."


I wanna be sedated!
Great PIF....I am not in but here are a couple of my favorites from Josey Wales.

Fletcher: Don't **** down my back and tell me it's raining.
Josey Wales: "To hell with those fellas. Buzzards gotta eat, same as worms."
Nice PIF Jim, Not in My fav is an old Cowboy Proverb

"The Biggest Troublemaker you will meet today is the one you watch shave his face in the mirror each morning"
I'm in!!! :thumbsup:

that's one of the greatest scenes of any movie. I grew up on the Duke's portrayal of Cogburn so I might be a bit partial, but I still think I'd be more frightened of John Wayne coming after me with the reins in his teeth than Jeff Bridges.
I'm In...

: I'm very happy you are working with me! And we're together again. I get dressed, I kill him and be right back.
Blondie: Listen, I forgot to mention... He's not alone. There's five of 'em.
Tuco: Five?
Blondie: Yeah, five of 'em.
Tuco: So, that's why you came to Tuco. It doesn't matter, I'll kill them all.

that's one of the greatest scenes of any movie. I grew up on the Duke's portrayal of Cogburn so I might be a bit partial, but I still think I'd be more frightened of John Wayne coming after me with the reins in his teeth than Jeff Bridges.

Yep, they shouldn't have remade that movie, that's sacred ground!
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