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Closed Blade PIF For New DE Shavers! Closed

Oh, definitely. I currently have 14 straights, and I shave with them all. It's really relaxing to shave with a straight when you have the time. I've toyed with the idea of using a shavette as well, but I think I'd like to try my hand at the DE game.

Good to hear. Maybe someday I'll have the balls to give a straight a try
Anyone have a review on the Voskhod blades? I haven't run across them before and was wondering what the verdict was. I tried the search feature of the forum but it brings up all sorts of threads that I must ead through all 500+ pages to see the review. I guess I need to learn how to specify the search to only the title but I cant find out how to do that on my phone.


Needs milk and a bidet!
I'm in! I've been limited to what I can buy locally which is dorco and derby,
Been to scared to buy a large quantity of blades when I'm not sure how they perform.

I'm in. I just started DE shaving just working my way through the 5 Derby Extra's that came with my Edwin Jagger DE89. I've got 6 shaves in so far, and am hoping that by the time I'm done my starter 5 I can start my hunt for 'the perfect blade'.


I'm in! Just started wet shaving and I could use some blades.

All winners have been picked!!

Thanks for playing and for supporting the great blade exchange!!
Well, after pancakes and coffee this morning there came the familiar sound of the post landing on the mat, including a letter from across the Pond.

Pocket knife out, and carefully opened revealed these....!


A lot more than expected, but of course very gratefully received. Thank you Jason!

I'm now looking forward to doing a bit of PIFing myself!

Thoughts on blade performance to follow...
I got mine today. Unfortunately I forgot to take a picture and put them in a bowl with a few other blades I had. Great selection of blades and I'll start trying them tomorrow.
Thanks you very much!
Hey Guys,

Got my blades today, my camera's out of commission right now but is definitely a great selection wit a ton of blades that I will definitely put to good use.

Thanks a lot!
Just want to say thank yo very much, I received my blades all the way in South Africa. Thanks for all the effort, appreciate it!
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