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The Mellon is a open or double comb from Yaqi and is their stainless version of the zamak RazoRock SLOC. It is pretty aggressive, more than the 1.05 GC. You can find it on AliExpress.

I will have a look at the Mellon. Seems interesting. Never heard of a double comb before.

The GC 1.05 is good, but not exactly a relaxing shave. You gotta pay attention. Same for the Mellon. Only used them a few times each, so early days, but I suspect blade choice is more important for them than for less aggressive razors.

So I've now used the Game Changer 1.05-P twice and initial impressions are it's a little too harsh for me. Did you buy yours locally in AU from the Razorock reseller or direct from Italian Barber. I still need to try it with different blades as I've only tried it with the Personna Lab Blue so far. I couldn't cleanup the back of my head to well with it, so I gave up as it was starting to cause irritation trying to cleanup my tougher spots that I usually can do with all my other razors. I was also hoping it would get my shave time down being more aggressive, but that didn't happen either. Still took me around 40 minutes which is just below my average time (I am trying to find something that gets my head shaving time down to 30 minutes or less).

Hopefully different blades make it more usable for me. Definitely couldn't use this daily.

I like the Tile. Very different shaving experience to the others. Took some practice to make it work well. The shaving angle is critical.

For whatever reason, I found the Henson AL13+ provided me a much better shave and in quicker time too. I borrowed an AL13+ as I wanted to see how it compared, and not only did I get a quicker shave time (by about 15 minutes with the same brand blade - I used a Feather DE in the Henson and an Astra SP), I felt it shaved better even though it was less aggressive.

But I do keep coming back to the GC .84. Personally I would like RR to put out a .95 version. Adding a shim to the .84 works well for me.

Maybe I should have bought the GC 0.84-P OC as that is what the AU reseller told me he used to use - maybe I should have started with that, but as I was trying to get my shave time down, I thought the more aggressive razor might be the way to go. A 0.95 version could be really good. What does the shim do for the 0.84, and where exactly are you placing it?
Never heard of a double comb before.
Don't rely on me for using correct terminology. :001_unsur
So I've now used the Game Changer 1.05-P twice and initial impressions are it's a little too harsh for me. Did you buy yours locally in AU from the Razorock reseller or direct from Italian Barber.
Italian Barber.

The 1.05 needs a light touch.
What does the shim do for the 0.84, and where exactly are you placing it?
The shim goes between the blade and the base plate. Basically it increases the blade gap by approx. the thickness of the shim. Razor blades are 0.1mm (±0.01) thick, which for the 0.84 plate gives a new blade gap of approx. 0.94, about halfway between the 0.84 and 1.05.

I made the shim from an old blade. Put the blade in the razor as usual, then used a scribe to mark a line on it defined by the edge of cap. Trimmed it to that line (i.e. removed the original cutting edge on the blade) and cleaned up the new edge. Rinse & dry it well after use and it should last many uses. I am up to maybe 30 so far, and it is still in good condition. It has a bit of staining and the original blade markings are getting worn off, but otherwise should be good for many more uses.

Main things to watch out for is to make sure that the new edge is parallel to the cap and plate, and it is symmetrical on both sides.

Some vintage razors came with a shim or two. It is not a new idea.

A shim can also be used between the blade and the cap, which has the effect of reducing blade projection, making it a milder shave. I only use it between blade and plate in the 0.84. Though I might try between blade and cap for the 1.05 plate, see how that compares to between blade and plate in the 0.84.

Shims are a cheap way to experiment with some aspects of razor geometry, without the cost of buying a whole new razor.
Don't rely on me for using correct terminology. :001_unsur

No, I think you got it spot on as I went to IB website and that is what they called it too. Double Open Comb or something along those lines.

Italian Barber.

The 1.05 needs a light touch.
Yeah, had another with it last night, but tried an Astra SP this time and the shave was better. Still a bit rough, though.
Some vintage razors came with a shim or two. It is not a new idea.
That is pretty cool, didn't know that at all. What do the vintage razors that come with shims use as the shim?

A shim can also be used between the blade and the cap, which has the effect of reducing blade projection, making it a milder shave. I only use it between blade and plate in the 0.84. Though I might try between blade and cap for the 1.05 plate, see how that compares to between blade and plate in the 0.84.

So with the between the blade and the baseplate, you're putting it under the razor blade, is that correct?

And between the blade and the cap, would that be the same, but just putting it above the razor blade and top cap?

What do you use to cut the blade? I don't really have any tools I could cut one with. Not sure what I'd use to do it.
What do the vintage razors that come with shims use as the shim?
Don't remember. But either metal or plastic would be a safe bet.
So with the between the blade and the baseplate, you're putting it under the razor blade, is that correct?

And between the blade and the cap, would that be the same, but just putting it above the razor blade and top cap?
See this B&B Wiki page for more details and images.

Adding shims changes other variables too, like blade rigidity.
What do you use to cut the blade? I don't really have any tools I could cut one with. Not sure what I'd use to do it.
Don't try with scissors, it will just wreck them. Even 0.1mm stainless steel is not so easy to cut.

I used standard straight tin snips/aviation shears for the main cut (leave a tiny bit extra for the cleaning up stage). Cleaned the cut up on a flat diamond lap to remove rough edges, and get it straight and parallel and even. Then some finer abrasive paper to smooth it off. You can use coarser abrasive paper to substitute for the lap. Smaller finer files would also do it, don't need to be high quality ones.

Can vary how far from the edge of the cap you make the cut – right on it, or have it sticking out or in a bit. But start with it right on the cap edge.

All of this is pretty cheap and readily available at hardware stores. I have done a bit of this kind of fiddly metal work before, and already had the tools, so wasn't difficult for me. But should not be much harder for a first timer. One of those jobs that quickly gets easier with a little practice.

You are also using old blades for your stock material, so doesn't cost you anything besides some effort if the first couple don't work out.

Some magnification to see what you are doing close up helps. Especially if your eyes are not the best.

Set a couple hours aside to practice and make a few. They need to be custom made for each different razor.
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