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Christmas music I hate.

When I was little I was really bothered by the idea of seeing my mom kissing Santa Claus. I wondered why a mother would DO such a thing!

There is a parody version called I Saw Daddy Kissing Santa Claus. Other than The Dr. Demento Show, have heard it on the radio exactly once, many years ago. When the song ended, the DJ said "Okay folks, it's over. We won't play it again. Stop calling the station."
I can't stand Little Drummer Boy either, with one exception. For King and Country came out with a new version this year that some energy to it. Give it a listen and let me know what you think.

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Nice clip, and the suggested Christmas Jazz after it may be a good choice. On a whim, started listening to Jazz renditions of Christmas music, and it was pretty good. None of it was blues style, all upbeat, and a different spin on the old standards.
Ha! I showed this thread to my son.

You have to realize, my wife really ONLY likes the old Christmas carols, and I'm right with her mostly. But I love anything Elvis, etc.

So our only begotten has been exposed to quiet a mix.

He said Sir Paul's song was one of his favorites! He looked stricken! Ha!

You also made my wife literally laugh out loud when I read your post! Which THRILLED me, as she thinks all I do is waste my time on here. Thanks my friend.
glad I could assist!
My dad had a 78 by an artist called Yogi Yogersson of "I Yust Go Nuts At Christmas" and "Yingle Bells," both poking fun at Swedes. A couple that I have enjoyed from SNL:
and from the last episode a kinky take on I saw mommy kissing santa
Secular: "I Saw Mommy..."
*Psuedo Secular: "Little Drummer Boy"
Christian: "Silent Night". Not the song as it is but when its used in a cloying, begging the point manner. My church uses it like a cudgel this way to try and create emotion.

*Disahonourable mention: "Do They Know Its Christmas". Wealthy pop stars in a heartless industry preaching holy secular charity. Please.

Interesting how composers of old had two approaches to the Xmas story. A poor, humble, meager scene with restraint (Infant Holy, Infant Lowly etc) or a triumphant anthem of a birth of a king and saviour (Hark the Herald Angels Sing etc).
Both can be sung side by side and be effective.
The history of Silent Night is amazing. The music was composed for a guitar because the church organ was broken. Seriously.

Adeste Fideles manages to combine both in one song, but may not go back further than the 17th or 18th Centuries.


Fussy Evil Genius
"Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer".
That God-foresaken song should be banned. I think East German STASI used it for interrogation purposes back when.

Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. If I never hear this one again, it will be too soon. It might have been funny . . . once . . . when I was nine, but that was good enough. Now, it's more like a cheese grater on my . . . well, you get the picture.

There also is a seemingly endless number of artists phoning something in over a karaoke-esque arrangement just because they got to that point in their career where "it's time to do a Christmas album," and those are nearly as grating. Maybe it works over the din of a mall store, but that's about it.

Other than all that, I quite like Christmas music. My issue is that I get tired of it very quickly. That's a real problem when it's played a great deal in a lot of places for nearly two frappin' months. Personally, I listen to it for a little while on Christmas Eve and the hour it takes to get to my Mom's house on Christmas morning. I'll listen to it for some portion of the ride back, and then I've had enough until next Christmas Eve. The occasional song is quite fine and even fun. I still love the kids' choruses that come up here and there at holiday functions. Other situational stuff may be fine, but just having the stuff play in my ear for any more than a song or two, and I have to start exercising some manner of self control.


Stumpy in cold weather
Staff member
I really don't like any Christmas music, never have.

If they could turn "the war on Christmas" into "the war on Christmas music" I'd be happy to join their army.

That being said, I can listen to this Christmas album all day long:

If they could turn "the war on Christmas" into "the war on Christmas music" I'd be happy to join their army.

I'd give serious thought to enlisting.

Part of the problem is that there really are so few popular Christmas songs. It soon falls into repetition, and we are left with different songs in different styles, with varying results, or the same song by the same artist over and over again. Like Run, Run, Rudolph, a song I should have added to my hate list.

There seems to be new Christmas songs all the time, but very few seem to stick for some reason. A Christmas Auld Lang Syne isn't a bad song, but it never caught on.
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Unacceptably Lasering Chicken Giblets?
It’s the only one I like.
Was about to post it then saw that y’all beat me to it.


"Self appointed king of Arkoland"
George Michaels "Last Christmas" I like to hear, once during the season. More than that and my ears bleed.


Needs milk and a bidet!
All of it. I spent 15 or so years in retail. Hearing the same 10 Christmas songs sung by the same 12 artists day after day for 2 months of the year has made me hate it all.
Seconding the retail hatred but a special mention goes to the, "is that you Santa Claus" song (but that's just because one of my managers played the station where it came in every 15-30 mins) and some of the awkward timing on Taylor Swift's Christmas music (I think silent night specifically.)


"Self appointed king of Arkoland"
All of it. I spent 15 or so years in retail. Hearing the same 10 Christmas songs sung by the same 12 artists day after day for 2 months of the year has made me hate it all.
Yes, I only did retail for about 3 years, but I well remember those songs. Ugh.


"Self appointed king of Arkoland"
Seconding the retail hatred but a special mention goes to the, "is that you Santa Claus" song (but that's just because one of my managers played the station where it came in every 15-30 mins) and some of the awkward timing on Taylor Swift's Christmas music (I think silent night specifically.)
I'll have to find that Taylor Swift song.

That girl has always bugged me. No idea why.
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