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Changes to your original routine

Over years:
Going from five soaps to one cream--after experimenting with several different Indian creams.
Settling on Ladas blades after experimenting with and good number of blades samples.
Settling on Clubman Vegetal A/S after trying others--Including my old favorite Old Spice.
Still rotating between a Parker 24C and my 'Franken Razor' (DE89 head, 24C plate, & Weber Bulldog Handle)
Still rotating between three brushes.
Settled upon using a Georgetown Pottery (Factory 2nd) suttle.
Started with a Merkur 1904 about a year ago. Spent some time exploring stainless DEs. Switched to straights about 2-3 months ago and haven't looked back. I do break out a DE weekly to head-shave, and often as not it's my original Merkur. Credit where due, the Merkur SB heads are like magic.

Started bowl-lathering with a soft tanuki brush. Tried badger and stuck with it for a good while, but now I'm sold on face lathering with boar.

The only constants have been a few soaps I've settled on, Feather blades when I pop back to DE weekly to shave my head, 4711 Portugal, and Feather Kanwa ASB :)
My changes:

  • Going from a Slim and FB to numerous razors including DE, SE, and injectors.
  • Going from two brushes to over 20
  • Going from one cream and one soap to numerous creams and soaps.
  • Going from using cream most of the time to using soaps more than creams.
  • Going from bowl lathering most of the time to face lathering.
  • Going from using regular WH to Thayers.
Over the course of 3 years:
#1 After the initial wonder of daily traditional wetshaving wore off, reverted back to shaving 4-5 times a week like previously done with Cartridges.
#2 narrowing shaving tool choice to shaving with 2 favourite DE razors. Both Rocket HD's
#3 rarely using AS or Alum. I am just that good now and it dry's my skin.
[URL=http://badgerandblade.com/vb/usertag.php?do=list&action=hash&hash=4]#4 [/URL] rarely come on shaving forums anymore
[URL=http://badgerandblade.com/vb/usertag.php?do=list&action=hash&hash=5]#5 [/URL] rarely buy stuff anymore. Just buy what needs replacing which is rare today.
#6 Am partial to soap verses cream
#7 started as a bowl shaver. Now exclusively facelather with brush.
#8 Use vintage blades 80 % of the time (Spoilers, super stainless, British wilkies) are some of the favourites
#9 Done experimenting. I stick with what I know and like now.
#1 0 don't ever talk to friends or family about wetshaving anymore.

#4 & #5 were hand in hand for me thankfully. I left the forums for probably 7 years and didn't buy anything really for those years. already had amassed enough in the first few years to last through that long 7 year sabattical. the vendors really should be glad for the forums because that's pretty much the only reason i buy all the stuff i do. I get excited when someone talks about a product and feel compelled to try it, just to see what all the fuss is about.

after coming back to the forums, everything had changed. i felt like that guy who'd slept for many years and just woke up again. it was a pretty cool experience to see all the changes that had taken place. there were people called artisans that came to the scene. synthetic's and horse hair brushes were new. the badger had fallen to the boar(nearly 100% of users were badger users). creams were more popular than soaps.. the list goes on.
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