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Catchiest Guitar Riffs

When I was living in London for a number of years, I recall visiting an rock instrument shop in Denmark Street in the West-End (Denmark Street is famous for the number of stores selling instruments and other businesses associated with popular music).
On the wall above rows and rows of electric guitars for sale was a large sign which clearly stated "Anyone heard playing the opening bars of Smoke on the Water will be asked to leave the premises". :lol:
I couldn't agree more!

Hah! Just like the "No Stairway to Heaven" sign in Wayne's World! :laugh:
Keith Richards' bass riff in this song is pretty catchy. Mick Taylors' fill isn't too shabby in the catchy department.

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I'm pretty sure the human riff machine Tony Iommi hasn't been listed yet, so.....

Black Sabbath- Black Sabbath, Iron Man, Paranoid, Sabbath Bloody Sabbath, a National Acrobat, NIB, etc. etc.
Back to the 80s and the Crown Prince of catchy riffs....

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Might be a bit heavy for some, but the first 45 seconds or so of this track calls upon the riff gods, and they smile (not to mention that TONE!)

The whole album is full of some of the finest death metal riffing ever committed to disc, in my opinion
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Richard Thompson, "Can't Win", live version on Watching the Dark, after the singing ends. Most underappreciated guitarist/songwriter ever.
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