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Captain's Choice contest for the holidays - you pick!

My wife surprised me with tickets for a Carrabean cruise on Princess last year. That was the nicest surprise, she also got my parents on the sly up here to watch our 4 kids. Since we never had a honeymoon this was my favorite gift ever. (Even though she borrowed money from her parents for it.)
I'm in. The best gift I have recieved was my Merkur 180 from my wife. If she hadn't of bought me that razor I wouldn't have had the hobby I have today.
I'm in, last year, my SO's grandparents bought us a trip to Hawaii, 4 days in Oahu, and 3 days in Maui! Was absolutely incredible! Snorkeling with turtles :001_smile
I'm IN.

Given and got. Myself in the form of an engagement ring to my (now) wife 26 years ago on Christmas Eve. Best Christmas ever. :lips:

Me too. I proposed to my wonderful wife on Christmas Eve before leaving for my second deployment. We had only been dating about six months, but there was no question that she was the one. We celebrated our 4th anniversary this year and I look forward to many more Christmases with her.
Greatest gift was a scrapbook of pics my parents put together of me growing up, from toddler to high school graduate.

Yikes, the clothes I had back then!
I'm in.
The most favorite gift I have ever given someone, was the engagement ring that I gave my wife. I'm one lucky guy!
I'm in! The greatest gift I have ever received was from my parents to my wife and I. Last summer they paid for an all inclusive trip to Cancun. My wife and I celebrated our tenth this year and never had a honeymoon. The trip was awesome!

thanks Capt Choice!!!
I'm in!

A favorite gift? There's been so many. First one that comes to mind is the watch my mother got me a year ago. Best watch I've ever had.
Favorite gift I gave for Christmas was the plane tickets for my wife and kids to go visit her family while I was in India. Total surprise because I had been telling her we couldn't afford it. Captured her opening the gift on video and she couldn't talk because she was crying. Everyone in the room lost it, including me!
I'm in.
I spent hours tranferring old 8mm film over to dvd of old family outings for my mother in law. She still talks about it years later...
im in.

but its maybe to hard to say one thing is the best. every year my daughter (who just turned 8) makes me something for christmas since she has been 1 (that was a scribble drawing lol that she wishes now i would take down but i will not :001_tongu). they are all just as special as the previous one and all hang over or are on my desk. i treasure these so much because she is already 8 and time is going WAY to fast. she is my pride and joy. so if i had to pick these would them.
I'm in!

Best received--Tickets to see Cat Stevens for my birthday for a concert on my birthday from my girlfriend now wife.

Best given--My fathers Rolex to my don as his first house warming gift.
I'm in. Best gift given was to my son- his very first car when he turned 16. Didn't look like anything special but I won't forget watching his eyes light up and him run out of the house barefoot in sub zero weather wearing only shorts and a t shirt to take it around the block the first time.
The most appreciated gift I have given was last year when I gave my wife a chair massage thingy. It just straps to the chair and has little balls that go up and down your back. It isn't one of the cheap TV ones and it works great. She has used it hundreds of times in the last year and has said over and over again it is her favorite gift ever.

And.. I'm in! Would love to get my hands on that new soap...or a bottle of the Cat.
I'm in. I would have to say best gift ever was my boat, which was actually given to us by a total stranger.
A few years ago I got the wife a nook when they first came out. She uses it almost everyday. I also got her father a Captains Choice set with the flask. He loves it
I'm in.
The best gift I have ever received was the pickup my Dad bought me when I turned 16. He bought a used F-150 and had the neighbor drive it around for about two weeks. The morning of my birthday he woke me up early and sent me around the neighborhood on a treasure hunt or sorts. He hid a present in the back of the pickup and when I opened the present there was a set of keys with a note saying it wasn't the neighbors truck.
Count me in Cap'n. Naturally if I did win it would have to be the soap, being up in the "great white north" and all, eh?

For me the best Christmas gift of all was the birth of my daughter. It irrevocably changed our lives and definitely for the better. As much stress as our kids add to our lives, they enrich our das by a much greater factor and I can honestly say I would never, ever want to go back to life without them.
I'm in. I'm only 20, so heres my favorite story/gift from my family as an even younger youngster!

When the nintendo gamecube came out, my parents snagged me one for christmas and as any kid would be, I was thrilled! Fast forward a few years, to when Santa got a credibility check, and the story behind that gamecube came out. Turns out my Dad and Sister camped outside of a local Toys R Us (and the weather was not at all warm) just to make sure they could get me one on the day of the release, just in time for christmas.

Now thats love and dedication. My dad's a bit crazy, and had to drag my sister along, but years later I still remember and appreciate the awesomeness of it all.
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