I picked up a tube of C.O. Bigelow shave cream from Bath and Body Works a few weeks ago, and I've got to say I'm very impressed with the product (it yields a much better lather than AOS Lavender imo, which has been primarily what I've been using). The problem I'm having, however,is that I've noticed that I've been breaking out much more recently. I looked into the matter a bit, and found a video on youtube with a Proraso spokesperson claiming that Proraso was the premier moisturizing cream on the market. Being a young guy (21) with oily skin, I'm barely out of the acne stage. Any moisturizing product brings on the pimples with a vengeance. I'd say my skin needs a good ringing out, not additional moisture. I'm not sure if it's the Proraso cream I've been using, or something else I may be unaware of. Has anyone else out there had this same problem with Proraso? Thanks in advance.