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Buying from Members of the Nook

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Hey guys. Since this is a bit of a question that lends itself to different things, I wasn't sure where to put this. Very recently I joined the Shavenook site and I've noticed that with their BST, they say they want payment marked as a gift so they don't have to eat the Paypal fee's but in doing that, you throw away all buyer security offered by Paypal. This just doesn't sound safe at all and is a bit odd. It totally leaves the door open for people to pull a fast one. I've made a few purchases over there but I refused the Gift payment. Has anyone had any bad experiences with this?

MODS: If this is in the wrong section, please move and I apologize in advance.
It is pretty much up to you if you want to take that risk, plain and simple. If it is only a few bucks for a soap or something, I would do it. Anymore than that, I don't think so. You can always just offer to add the fees into the "goods" payment if you see something you really want. I think it is something like $.30 + 3%.
Personally I wouldn't do it. I have heard of many people getting taken, by trying it, then swearing to never do it again.


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NEVER NEVER NEVER send as a gift. no matter how tempting it may be or how bad you want the item or how good a deal it is. I can't stress it enough.

i am aware of a case on B&B here recently, where the guy listed something, then thru PM asked the buyer to send as GIFT. the buyer did and is now stuck with a defective brush with no buyer protection.

as for the TSN listings. if it says "PAYPAL as GIFT", i keep on looking. i refuse to buy anything with this method, regardless of who is selling it or how well regarded they are.

i had to use the Paypal buyer protection recently and if I had sent as GIFT, i'd have been out my money.

it's not worth the 2% savings.
By sending payment as a gift, you are assuming not only your own liability but that of the other party's. If the seller decides to not send the item you ordered, you have no recourse. The only time I would ever send money as a gift via PayPal is if it either were a gift or a payment to a family member or close friend.
I'm pretty sure that PayPal has an option for you to pay the fees on your end, so the seller gets the full amount. It's cheap insurance to get the benefits of PayPal Buyer's Protection. As long as the seller gets their full asking price, I don't think you'll hear any complaints.
Using the "gift" option is really not right on a lot of levels. Besides the obvious chances the buyer is taking, the seller is also not paying for the service that paypal is providing. Some would call that stealing.

IMHO, before you sell anything, you need to build the cost of paypal into the price. It's pretty simple to me.
Other forums rules are what they are, and the appropriate place to discuss them is at those forums.

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