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Brushes and aging

Do brushes lose their effectiveness over time or does a decent brush last a lifetime?
I got a pure badger brush from ebay for a $7 bid, I figure it'd make a better shower brush than boar bristle if it's still any good, or can be used by someone getting into mug and brush shaving if I don't need it. (trying to get someone else strted on the DE wetshaving thing).

I may keep it and give him my near-new vulfix and use this one if it's still good.
I like old stuff.
I think a brush will remain effective for many years unless most of the hair falls out out breaks off. I would wash it with some conditioner, and it should be good as new.


Stumpy in cold weather
Staff member
Hard to go wrong for $7. I don't know how long brushes can live, but I do know that you should clean them every so often ... I think that dish detergent is the favourite alternative, although some companies make expensive cleaners too.
Turns out it's a perfect little brush. I like the smaller size, I can swirl it wet on a dry soap puck just a few times and can build a lather on my face quick as a boar brush. :)
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