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Brush Scuttles on the cheap @ World Market...

For those of you that face lather, I saw this and thought of you. It's about the size of a regular coffee mug, maybe a tad deeper and a bit larger with the handle. It's described as a "Warming Pitcher" and is $7.99. Maybe get a small cork to close off the hole, although I don't think that would be necessary. Hope this helps some of ya'll.

Okay okay, I have a confession: I picked one up...I figured under our sabatical, I can return it but not buy it :)
I feel like that high school kid who thinks he just scored with the hot, popular girl only to find out she's been with the whole football team!

Oh wait, I was on the football team :)
They list a toll free number to contact customer service 1-877-967-5362

The sku for that product is: 24510530

Post back in this thread if they will ship this product so others (who don't have a store close) can order one of this

I couldn't find it on the website, but this was what was posted on the previous thread mentioned above. Good Luck.
I have to admit I've been using mine religiously for about 6 months. There was a lot of talk about it when it popped up: http://badgerandblade.com/vb/showthread.php/266466-Oh-look-this-could-be-a-brush-scuttle
Per this other thread I went out & got one. I'm a face lather guy & use this solely as a brush warmer. Certainly does the job. I believe they call it a 'warming pitcher'. I just tried to find it on the website but could not. I was able to do so a few months ago, though.

Mine did come w/ the cork, but I don't ever use it.
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