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Blackland ERA Review

Blackland ERA #5 SB First Shave

Razor: ERA #5 SB
Blade: GSB
Cream: Castle Forbes (Lime)
Brush: Simpson Chubby 3

The ERA arrived this morning. I loaded it with a GSB blade for the first run. This is not my preferred blade but a blade that I prefer for a first shave with any new razor acquisition. I tend to prefer sharper vintage blades (Brit Wilkies, 74’s, and Schick Supers (green and white label). I think that Med Preps would also work well with the ERA.

I have tried many Gillette Vintage razors from Crats to Techs and have found them to be as advertised on B&B, very smooth and comfortable shavers but never efficient enough for me.

The ERA is as smooth as any vintage razor that I have tried including the modern assortment of the RazoRock line of smoothies.

The bottom line, the ERA is exceptionally efficient and exceptionally smooth. Without measuring how long this shave will hold up to some late evening whisker growth the shave closeness mimics the Blackbird. The Blackbird shave may be slightly closer and last a little longer but the ease of use will have you reaching for the ERA as often as you reach for the Bird. I appreciate that the low profile of the head is lower than the Timeless Slim.

If you love polished razors then your only disappointment will be with the finish. I think that the finish is outstanding and will be easy to maintain. However, all of my Blackland razors have been matte finished because I think that it promotes the concept of Shane’s razors.

I am not sure why you would need the bands on the handle because the handle is very secure in hand without the bands. I would not use another base other than the #5 base unless I decided to get the #5 OC.

I am not a very patient shaver so the “Bird” and a sharp blade get called to action when I have the time to pay attention and enjoy a morning shave. The ERA needs no thought, apply soap, load a blade and get busy. No thought required, use it anytime.

The ERA will not replace the "Bird" but it will get a spot in the den in between the "Bird" and the Vector.

The value of this razor reminds me of how underpriced the Blackland Dart was. Get this razor before it goes to $99.00!


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Blackland ERA #5 SB First Shave

Razor: ERA #5 SB
Blade: GSB
Cream: Castle Forbes (Lime)
Brush: Simpson Chubby 3

The ERA arrived this morning. I loaded it with a GSB blade for the first run. This is not my preferred blade but a blade that I prefer for a first shave with any new razor acquisition. I tend to prefer sharper vintage blades (Brit Wilkies, 74’s, and Schick Supers (green and white label). I think that Med Preps would also work well with the ERA.

I have tried many Gillette Vintage razors from Crats to Techs and have found them to be as advertised on B&B, very smooth and comfortable shavers but never efficient enough for me.

The ERA is as smooth as any vintage razor that I have tried including the modern assortment of the RazoRock line of smoothies.

The bottom line, the ERA is exceptionally efficient and exceptionally smooth. Without measuring how long this shave will hold up to some late evening whisker growth the shave closeness mimics the Blackbird. The Blackbird shave may be slightly closer and last a little longer but the ease of use will have you reaching for the ERA as often as you reach for the Bird. I appreciate that the low profile of the head is lower than the Timeless Slim.

If you love polished razors then your only disappointment will be with the finish. I think that the finish is outstanding and will be easy to maintain. However, all of my Blackland razors have been matte finished because I think that it promotes the concept of Shane’s razors.

I am not sure why you would need the bands on the handle because the handle is very secure in hand without the bands. I would not use another base other than the #5 base unless I decided to get the #5 OC.

I am not a very patient shaver so the “Bird” and a sharp blade get called to action when I have the time to pay attention and enjoy a morning shave. The ERA needs no thought, apply soap, load a blade and get busy. No thought required, use it anytime.

The ERA will not replace the "Bird" but it will get a spot in the den in between the "Bird" and the Vector.

The value of this razor reminds me of how underpriced the Blackland Dart was. Get this razor before it goes to $99.00!
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Shave #2 with the ERA #5SB.

I have noticed a couple of posts about medium efficiency and medium smoothness so I had to retest my results. My initial shave claimed super smooth and efficient. Today's shave was just as smooth and even more efficient than my first shave probably due to using sharper blades.

My first shave was with a GSB blade. Today one side of my face got a shave with Schick/Eversharp blade and the other side of my face got the Longs/Personna blade (both blades from@ Dalejr). Both of these blades are very sharp and require care and thoughtfulness while shaving. The shave was effortless and although I donated a little more thought to the shave out of respect for the blades the ERA combined with the sharper blades was still as comfortable and easy as with the GSB blade. I will add that the industrial finish is a breeze to clean up. I disassemble and clean my razors after every shave so this is a bonus.

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Appreciate the reviews.

I'm more of a RR GC 68 SB kind of guy. Was going to order the #3 plate. Does that make sense based on what you can tell?


Stupid sexy Wing Nut
Appreciate the reviews.

I'm more of a RR GC 68 SB kind of guy. Was going to order the #3 plate. Does that make sense based on what you can tell?
It should have a similar blade feel(based on RR specs). Blade gap is higher on 3, if that concerns you. I have heard of a number of people opting for the 2SB hence it is sold out for now. Might as well grab the razor with 3 and get the 2 or 1 later.
1st shave with my Blackland Era, #4 SB. Used my go to blade for a good reference, Kai (1), perfect blade alignment. Proraso white preshave, Declaration Grooming Unscented, Alum, Proraso White post shave. 1st pass WTG, good blade feel, comfortable with my usual Kai 1st use feel that evens out on next shave, next 2 passes very comfortable and close, very close especially in the chin area, my trouble spot to get really close. Less buffing required than normal. An excellent, comfortable 3 pass BBS. The Era is a keeper.
Follow up to last Era post. 3rd shave, still using Kai blade, all else the same. The Era is a vey good razor, very comfortable close shave. Confirmed less buffing, my couple trouble spots are a lot less trouble.
I'm past the honeymoon as well and hope that we see a level 6 plate in the future. Still really like this razor, but I feel like if your going to introduce an adjustable razor to the market, it should have mild, medium and aggressive plate offerings. 1-5 only covers mild to medium, so a little disappointing in that regard.
A lovely feel and balance when holding it. I got the SB and OC each level 3. OC was ok but I found the SB too mild. I would have preferred the 4 but it was sold out.

My thoughts are it is milder than other replaceable plate versions e.g.Karve and Rockwell. However lots of folk prefer milder razors. I suspect it’s aimed at them.
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