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Black Contract Tech = My White Whale

As of now I have two Techs, and was looking at Achim's spotting guide to get a better idea of their origin, when I saw it. The first Tech he has pictured in the spotting guide is an all black Contract Tech. I've done some digging to try to figure out the deal with these things, and it seems there is very little information on them, other than speculation that they were at one time military issue. To me, this is THE coolest razor I've seen, and I really want to find one.

If you or someone you know has any information regarding the whereabouts of the black Contract Tech (or just more info about them) please share! I'm going to make it my purpose in wet shaving life to find one of these bad boys.

$blkcontracttech.jpg(Image by xillion)
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During World War II the metal Tech Razors in black matte were shipped to troops in brown cardboard boxes. Some 20 million matte black razors were sold to the USA government. ( other material were used on the cases through the years, such as Bakelite, khaki, canvas,)
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Thanks guys for the info! And Mako, I have one too that I briefly contemplated doing just that with, thanks for the offer :001_tongu
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