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Are ther any normal, weird or funny rituals you do or go through?

For me I can't have my licence or credit cards upside down in my wallet and I find it difficult to leave my digital stereo volume on an odd number.

Weird I know but I dunno why?
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i have to scratch symmetrically. If I scratch my left foot, then I have to scratch my right one right after
For lights that are controlled by two switches, I insist on one switch always being in the "on" position and always controlling the light with the other such that it has normal on-off positions.

I have one pair of switches where one switch must be in the "off" position in order to make the other one work normally. One day I will pull one of those switches and reinsert it the other way around.

Hmm... a little bit of Monk, I guess!
I have a real bad memory. So when I keep putting something in one place, I expect everyone to return it. My 8 year old son's hair brush. It goes on the end of the counter. If it's not there in the morning, bad morning for everyone. lol

I have no time to be at work. But if I am a little late in the morning so I can't make it by 7:30 am, you would think I would be losing my job. I have no idea why I am like that. :blushing:
Because its you!!! we're all different. For nearly 30 years I had to perform "say" several words or sorta perform a ritual prior to going to work. On the days that didn't happen, (depending upon how busy I was) I didn't like it and took care of it the first free safe moments I had:001_smile Whatever works for you! Now that I'm retired if I am upset or someone is upset with me in my family its gotta get fixed before I can go to bed no matter what time it is or where we or they are. Now thats anal but I've been accused of that for years,
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Have to take a specific parking spot on campus, will go up to the top floor if I have to. Iron my shirts a specific way, have to keep the volume on anything ending in a 5 or 0, can't do anything in between, doesn't matter if it's too loud.

Always turn the lamp switch till there's only one click and the lamp turns on. I keep everything on my Tivo. I have to watch That 70s Show once a day. I have to read the latest posts on my favorite political blogs before I go to bed (I'm serious, it concerns everyone around me).

I could go on...
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