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Aqua velva, i think i'm in love.

I'm not sure if this is the right section, so i appologize if i'm outa line.

i recently started seing a stupidly attractive young woman (not trying to brag here, but shes waaaayyyyyy out out of the league of most men, myself included...like i must have been the guy who invented penicillin or ghandi in my past lifetime attractive). The best part? She craves the scent of AV Classic Blue.

i think i'm in heaven...I love the smell, feel and price of it. Funny thing is, this is the first woman i've ever had say that about AV...Most tell me i smell like their uncle/grandpa.

any one else have similar experiences like this one?
Congrats on having a lady with excellent taste!!

I am a firm believer in wearing what you want to wear. It's a big plus if the ladies like it too.

Now- If you find a lady that craves Lilac Vegetal--well, it's almost too much to even contemplate!!


Marty E.
I am truly a blessed man. I also married way above my head, she's 2 years older than me and looks half my age (in fact she often gets carded when buying beer). She likes LV AND Aqua Velva Blue. And she's HOT!!!
Congrats on having a lady with excellent taste!!

I am a firm believer in wearing what you want to wear. It's a big plus if the ladies like it too.

Now- If you find a lady that craves Lilac Vegetal--well, it's almost too much to even contemplate!!


Marty E.
i'm definitely going to give it at shot.
I am truly a blessed man. I also married way above my head, she's 2 years older than me and looks half my age (in fact she often gets carded when buying beer). She likes LV AND Aqua Velva Blue. And she's HOT!!!

You sir have the perfect woman. I bow in the presence of your greatness.

Shes 26, living real life, i'm a 21 year old student. It doesn't make sense to me, but i've stopped questioning, and started enjoying. I swear i've had a permagrin on my face for the past two days. People have actually asked me why I'm stoned at 10 in the morning. Haha.
As a fan of Aqua Velva I discovered this old thread and I agree with Myanmar Shave that you should "wear what you want to wear." My theory is that a woman is either attracted to you or not. If she is not it really doesn't matter what aftershave you wear, what car you drive, your clothes, etc. She might acknowledge your good taste, but that's about it. On the other hand is she is attracted to you she will like any mainstream aftershave you are wearing, mainly because you are wearing it! In addition if she is attracted to you, you get some "free passes" for making mistakes and doing dumb sh.t (within reason). If she is not attracted to you then you can do every thing right, but it ain't going to matter...


Dirty Donuts are so Good.
any one else have similar experiences like this one?

Great thread resurrection!

Similar? I had the EXACT same experience as you. Except, my girl, had a square head, no neck and hair on her knuckles...
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Love this thread resurrection. I too have somehow managed to woo a woman very much out of my league. I'm a lowly auditor and she's a rising star in her large downtown architecture firm. We have an appointment on Saturday morning to look at engagement rings, at the same neighborhood place my father bought my mother's ring 30 years ago.

She's truly a special lady to put up with all of my 'hobbies' started by B&B - first wet shaving, then fountain pens, and now coffee.

On topic, she is very tolerant of AS splashes and also enjoys AV. Debating if I want AV or OS on Saturday morning...
Great thread resurrection!

, my girl, had a square head, no neck and hair on her knuckles...

I dated her sister, that is until I cought her using my Kelvin to shave off her moustache, armpit hair and crotch, THEN use my fresh bottle of Skin Bracer on all three areas! I could tolerate the Fu Manchu and armpit hair in braids, but using my Bracer, that was the last straw.

I've never tried Aqua Velva, gonna have to get some!
I'm not sure if this is the right section, so i appologize if i'm outa line.

i recently started seing a stupidly attractive young woman (not trying to brag here, but shes waaaayyyyyy out out of the league of most men, myself included...like i must have been the guy who invented penicillin or ghandi in my past lifetime attractive). The best part? She craves the scent of AV Classic Blue.

i think i'm in heaven...I love the smell, feel and price of it. Funny thing is, this is the first woman i've ever had say that about AV...Most tell me i smell like their uncle/grandpa.

any one else have similar experiences like this one?

Your in Good Company at least 1 million men love the Ice Blue.
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