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Anyone have a barber chair at home?


Slightly off topic, but fits into general old-school grooming paraphernalia AD.

Do any of you have one of these? The old cast iron and enamel ones are beautiful works of functional art. I've always thought they would be a cool addition to a man-cave.

I almost bought one a few years back for cheap, but my wife talked me out of it. Now they are sky high on the bay.:frown:

Here is a link showing the type I like.
I have been looking for an antique barber chair for quite a while at antique stores. The ones on ebay are far to expensive. i love the look of the old fashioned ones. I think this is a great idea
Superb item indeed!! The issue here is you gotta build another cave or room to display it!! Kind of your private barber room...:rolleyes:
I know where 2 are currently available in the Seattle area. When I mentioned them to the missus I got "that look" - you know the one I mean... One was less than $700 and just needed a little re-upholstery work, the other was a little more, but not as attractive, just less used.
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