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Any recommendations for a gillette swede lover?

I loved the Gillette swede blades and wish that I would have built a warehouse.

In any case - I have to learn to live with what's available. Anyone have any recommendations?

I tried feather - and it was good in the beginning but after a while I get serious razor burn and I have to stop using them for a couple of days.
I'm in the middle of a similar search and thought the Yellow 7s were very good, but they don't seem to last long for me- about 7 or 8 passes, or 2 days approximately
Most Swede fans recommend the Iridiums, but I'm a Swede fan and they don't work for me.

Next best IMO for smoothness and sharpness, if not longevity, would probably be the Bolzanos, IMO. They're not cheap, though. Two better value alternatives would be the Treet Platinums and the Super-max Platinums. I keep a good stock of all of these on hand in addition to my cache of Swedes.

I also keep a stock of Treet's Trig branded blades and the Greek Bics.

It is probably worth your while sampling all of these, in addition to the suggestions above. It's sad to see Swedes go the way of all flesh, but finding an alternative is fun and interesting.
Once you get used to them - because even good blades are "different" - I've found the Bics are good value, too.

At a higher price point, but for a really good shave, try PermaSharp.
Iridium ? Is that the name of the blade?
BTW - I tried Derby Extra - and while the shave was not close - it was very smooth...

Iridium Super is the name of the blade. Blue package, made in Russia I think, or maybe Poland? There seems to be some truth that the blades aren't available commercially outside of the EU, but, ahhh, the Internet...
I'm really liking the Iridium Supers.

Yellow 7s aren't working for me. First shave is OK. Second shave is pretty rough. I'm not even sure I want to finish out the pack.

Next, I'll try the India-made 7s (both green and black).
But aren't Polsilvers also being discontinued, or perhaps I heard incorrectly?

+ 1 on Iridiums

Polsilvers used to be made in Lodz-Poland.In 1992 Gillette bought the plant to Pol. Gov. Today all blades for EU market are made in St.Petersburg it seems...the 4 glue dots on new swedes cardbox dispenser and iridiums made me think they are the same
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