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Another toothbrush holder to DE stand conversion

Found this at BB&B for $12. Had a piece at the bottom that was the same as what is at the top. Easily removed and makes a pretty nice looking DE stand IMO.


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Nice! I actually have the same exact one holding my tooth brush right now with the bottom piece. Never thought of removing it and using it as a DE stand. Solid tip! Thanks!
I have the same holder (two actually). I didn't think to remove the bottom rack. I use it to hold my blade count dice....

Damn, and I thought I originated the dice count idea. My modified toothbrush rack is a Wallymart Canada $9.99 jobby. I just unscrewed the long pins, moved the lower plate higher up, found a piece of scrap aluminum and added a sculptured brush holder plate. When I one day get a nice badger, I will add one to the other side.

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DICE! Yessir, great idea. BTW, I have the same holder and need to get another from BB&B (more razors on the way).
I have been looking for a way to keep count of blade use! up to now i've been making a tally on the paper blade wrapper but the dice idea is brilliant and i'm going to adopt that one!
Silly question, I am guessing the folks that use dice don't ever have small kids around... yes?

I know my kids could leave the razor alone if I left it out, but the dice would be too hard to resist messing with...

Please advise...
Are you sure your small kids can be trusted to leave the razors alone? Growing up, I recall cutting myself a couple times playing with DE razors that were lying around family bathrooms and I wasn't that young at the time.

I am fortunate to have my own en-suite man-throne so no one gets to mess with my stuff!
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