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Blackbird Ti, what is this voodoo?

Blackland’s OC teeth are thin and quite pointy/pokey; compared to other OC razors Ive tried (Yates, Wolfman, Timeless, Fatip)
Due to a delay by DHL I received my TI OC only yesterday. And I'm glad I added it to my TI SB. Yesterday I used a Lab Blue on its 6th application and this morning inserted a new one.

My impressions from these 2 shaves, which I only add already because the Black Friday weeks are ending today:

- The OC is clearly more efficient. It's in no way brutally more aggressive, but noteworthy to a degree that it could be too much for those of us, who find the TI SB already 'on the edge' or want to preserve its awesome combination of mildness and efficiency.
But also noteworthy to a degree that it can be the perfect addition / alternative for those, who look for that extra bit of closeness without basically losing the smooth experience with the SB. And also it can help to reduce the number of passes.

- I don't feel the teeth. Okay, I notice that they exist, but they don't take away the smoothness, I don't experience the typicial switch from a SB shave to an OC Shave, I get no emotional irritation from the teeth nor does my skin perceive one.

- The OC glides smoother, I guess because of the different way its gaps handle the lather.
And I would think that it's a bit less angle critical when it comes to that sometimes mentioned 'drag' folks experience (or fear because some said so), which in my opinion indicates a not optimal shaving angle.

It could well be that I will use the OC for my daily shavings. But just that you know where I am coming from: I would never buy the BB Lite. I don't know it, but I am shaving daily with the BB TI SB for 3 months and before that, I did so with the Above The Tie Windsor SSH and SSR for 3 years and before that had used the R41 and Futur and I never looked for a less efficient - just one that makes me enjoy that daily routine the most.
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Due to a delay by DHL I received my TI OC only yesterday. And I'm glad I added it to my TI SB. Yesterday I used a Lab Blue on its 6th application and this morning inserted a new one.

My impressions from these 2 shaves, which I only add already because the Black Friday weeks are ending today:

- The OC is clearly more efficient. It's in no way brutally more aggressive, but noteworthy to a degree that it could be too much for those of us, who find the TI SB already 'on the edge' or want to preserve its awesome combination of mildness and efficiency.
But also noteworthy to a degree that it can be the perfect addition / alternative for those, who look for that extra bit of closeness without basically losing the smooth experience with the SB. And also it can help to reduce the number of passes.

- I don't feel the teeth. Okay, I notice that they exist, but they don't take away the smoothness, I don't experience the typicial switch from a SB shave to an OC Shave, I get no emotional irritation from the teeth nor does my skin perceive one.

- The OC glides smoother, I guess because of the different way its gaps handle the lather.
And I would think that it's a bit less angle critical when it comes to that sometimes mentioned 'drag' folks experience (or fear because some said so), which in my opinion indicates a not optimal shaving angle.

It could well be that I will use the OC for my daily shavings. But just that you know where I am coming from: I would never buy the BB Lite. I don't know it, but I am shaving daily with the BB TI SB for 3 months and before that, I did so with the Above The Tie Windsor SSH and SSR for 3 years and before that had used the R41 and Futur and I never looked for a less efficient - just one that makes me enjoy that daily routine the most.
I always thought the Ti SB don't need the OC as the efficiency is at a nice sweet spot but this review is teasing my RAD. Should I? A polished OC would look nice on my Satin To though.
I always thought the Ti SB don't need the OC as the efficiency is at a nice sweet spot but this review is teasing my RAD. Should I? A polished OC would look nice on my Satin To though.

Well, the TI SB perfectly hits that sweet spot for me already. Would there be no OC, I would live happily ever after.

The concurrency of smoothness and closeness is not met by any of my other - mentioned - razors. The BB TI shaves as efficient as my ATT SSH does, probably even a little bit closer, but so caresses my skin in comparison and on top of this, it absolutely refuses to bite me. I don't know, if I really pay less attention with the BB TI, but definitely there is no dozing awareness that I should and it never punishes me for 'just shaving'.
I couldn't wish for more and haven't been missing anything, but because the TI SB is so gentle to my skin I thought there was possibly a bit of leeway for more 'attack' with no drawbacks. And the OC delivers that while keeping all the virtues.
After 2 weeks exclusively with the Ti OC I just want to confirm my initial impressions in #24

I'm now on the 3rd Lab Blue, just that it's the OC instead of the SB Ti and it's almost as if I hadn't switched the bar. I don't say that there is no difference, there is, but on my almost 60 years old, white German skin it just feels like it did with the Ti SB all the months before - only a bit more efficient.
I surely have adjusted the pressure, I think I apply a little less, allowing the OC to glide a bit more by itself (not to confuse with letting its weight do the job alone) and it's lovely smooth and just like the SB, the OC refuses to bite me.

There is a nice bonus coming with the OC design: With no safety bar driving away the lather, there is a direct visual indication if the blade had met the area completely. There are some areas on my face where I tend to miss the optimal angle (right-hander, left side of the face).
Not that I really needed it, because I feel I could go like endlessly over my skin with both Blackbirds, but seeing no lather after a stroke with the OC certainly makes me reduce the time I spend there as I know I haven't missed some stubbles.

I haven't crosschecked with the SB so far, I will certainly do some day, but there is simply no feeling like the OC was a bit too much for me for shaving daily. Love it!
I only have four shaves on my Satin OC tiBird, but coming from an OC Plate 5 Era, nothing about this razor has made me even a little curious about the SB plate and the Lite never had and never will have the slightest appeal to me. This thing is a gem.

I'm 51, fairly coarse beard and shave M-Th with a Feather, replacing it each week.
I only have four shaves on my Satin OC tiBird, but coming from an OC Plate 5 Era, nothing about this razor has made me even a little curious about the SB plate and the Lite never had and never will have the slightest appeal to me. This thing is a gem.

I'm 51, fairly coarse beard and shave M-Th with a Feather, replacing it each week.
I have to agree with you. One of the best shaving experience is a TiBird with a Feather going to town on a 3 days and more beard. Damn that is an extremely satisfying experience.
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