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Alum Ladd's Garden Shed

I have been having a lot of luck with the Mostochlegmash Ladas blade recently. Bought 500 as they have been on offer (£5.99 per 100) here. A bit of a gamble but the first few shaves confirmed they are a blade of some quality.

It was one of the first times I have actually worked through a tuck consistently (shocking stuff) being a terrible ADD sufferer when it comes to blades. Or maybe a blade butterfly. I flit from brand to brand with a rather reckless abandon.

Anyway I found the Ladas to be sufficiently long legged with 5 excellent to very good shaves per blade being achieved, and the consistency was rock solid from that small sample. While not top tier in terms of sharpness (sometimes an advantage) they were perfectly sharp enough to deal with my whiskers which are slightly above average in terms of wiryism (new word alert) so they are no pushovers without thorough and prolonged hydration pre-shave. Edge deterioration was also very nicely consistent.

In terms of smoothness they are remarkable. I have not had a single weeper in 25 shaves with the tuck. Not a micro dribble. Nothing. I found this noteworthy. In short, for the price they appear an excellent working mans blade.

I also bought 200 Astra Superior Stainless dated 2019 manufactured at the St Pete plant. Very much looking forward to trying these next. I suspect they will be good.

Strangely I have never wanted to try the Astra SP. I have always been put off by the packaging. Oddly depressing. I find the SS packaging to be much more cheerful.

Amazing how packaging can affect and prejudice (quite irrationally and unfairly) a product, even without using it.

I recall something similar with cigarette pack designs when I used to smoke.
As a resident of Russia, I am pleased to read your review of Russian blades. I also use Ladas blades and I can say that they are of excellent quality. In my city, you can buy them without problems, and the price for them is more than pleasant.I am very sorry that now there are such difficulties with their acquisition. I wish you all peace and kindness.
Недавно мне очень повезло с лезвием "Мостохлегмаш Ладас". Купил 500 штук, поскольку они были в продаже (5,99 фунтов стерлингов за 100 штук) здесь. Немного рискованно, но первые несколько бритий подтвердили, что это лезвие определенного качества.
In my city, I can buy Ladas blades at a price of 305 Russian rubles for 100 pieces. That's about 2.65 British pounds.
I wish you all peace and kindness.
And to you Brother, With all my heart.

The Shed strives to be above the vanity and baseness of the human condition. And as a bonus
Isaac Hayes Beer GIF

You are welcome here.

мира вам и вашим близким!

Peace to you and your loved ones!
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Here is the original version of Edan Golan's beautiful elogy to the 368 Nova music festival victims of October the 7th.

It was originally submitted to the Eurovision Song Contest panel, but was rejected as being "too political" or, in plain language, too accurate.

A watered down lyric version was submitted instead, despite strong protest from the songwriter. Originally titled "October Rain", it was re-titled "Hurricane"

It came 5th, winning the full 12 points from 15 countries populations in the televote, out of 36. Another 10 gave it 10 points, the second highest allowable.

It was undoubtably the highest quality piece of work performed at the contest, as many music critics have affirmed

The "official" jury panels gave it barely any votes. The popular vote catapulted it to 5th place.

Subjected to the most cruel mockery, intimidation and shameful behaviour from other far less talented contestents, this brave and deeply talented young artist showed the highest courage and artistic integrity.

Performed on the 18/05/24 as a part of a rally to support hostage families. It was addressed by the Ambassadors of the US, UK, Germany, Austria and France among others.

[Verse 1]
Writers of the history
Stand with me
Look into my eyes and see
People go away but never say goodbye

[Verse 2]
Someone stole the moon tonight
Took my light
Everything is black and white
Who's the fool who told you boys don't cry?

Hours and hours and flowers
Life is no game for the cowards
Why does time go wild
Every day I'm losing my mind
Holding on in this mysterious ride

Dancing in the storm
We got nothing to hide
Take me home
And leave the world behind
And I promise you that never again
I'm still wet from this October rain
October rain

[Verse 3]
Living in a fantasy
Everything's meant to be
We shall pass but love will never die

Hours and hours and flowers
Life is no game for the cowards
Why does time go wild
Every day I'm losing my mind
Holding on in this mysterious ride

Dancing in the storm
We got nothing to hide
Take me home
And leave the world behind
And I promise you that never again
I'm still wet from this October rain
October rain
October rain
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Simon if I were ever to visit England, the interesting site I'd want to visit first wouldn't be Big Ben, Buckingham Palace, Stonehenge, etc.. It would be your garden shed!
And as we sat sipping a pint, I'd ask to see your collection of vintage razors, which must be amazing. ☺️
I secretly acquired the Stonehenge over some months. Much like Johhny Cash I got it one piece at a time.

It's at the back of the shed now.

You will have that famous and sublime Anglo-Jewish fusion cuisine meal Fish n' Chips and after I will show you my famous collection of old dried out tea bags which always breaks the ice at parties.

You are welcome any time Brother!
A word to Aaron @APBinNCA

Thank you so much my friend. You were among the first to say kindly words and to encourage my clumsy efforts when I first came here. I will always remember.

I was very disturbed to hear of your troubles, so bravely uttered on a public forum. But this is B&B and it is our domain. We stand or fall together. Honesty is our currency, as is friendship and solidarity.

You will make it Son. You will fly high in all senses. All we be well. Have faith and all will come right. It always does. The long game pays off in the end.

I've been having a hard time since last October. The support I've received has been a soothing balm. So should it be for you.

Don't stress about what others may be acquiring. Leave that old bone in its hole. The joy is in the shave itself, not the mere brute components of the process.

You are always warmly and lovingly welcomed in the Shed brother Aaron.

With the deepest affection

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Stupid sexy Wing Nut
Simon, I am only just now reading about your own troubles and your return brings me great joy. Thank you for the kind words here and elsewhere. We really have something precious here with this forum, I don't know how it endures. I will not be missing your posts unless my obligations take priority.

Please keep the light of humanity lit brightly outside your shed and I will be certain to stop by when I can. Kindest regards.

PS: I missed our usual drunken new years posts this year and hope that we might return to this lovely tradition in the future

PSS: I have almost no clue what is going on in the world. This is a deliberate decision as negative events tend to affect me greatly and I can't spare any energy on distress. I do appreciate those who speak in my absence.


I shaved a fortune
Simon, I am only just now reading about your own troubles and your return brings me great joy. Thank you for the kind words here and elsewhere. We really have something precious here with this forum, I don't know how it endures. I will not be missing your posts unless my obligations take priority.

Please keep the light of humanity lit brightly outside your shed and I will be certain to stop by when I can. Kindest regards.

PS: I missed our usual drunken new years posts this year and hope that we might return to this lovely tradition in the future

PSS: I have almost no clue what is going on in the world. This is a deliberate decision as negative events tend to affect me greatly and I can't spare any energy on distress. I do appreciate those who speak in my absence.
Aaron and Simon,

I used to watch cable news more than was healthy for me. I made a decision to stop watching, cold turkey. This didn't and doesn't mean I'm indifferent to the troubles in our world. I realized I couldn't affect things on a global scale. I could and do try to be kind to those around me.... to be a voice of reason when I can. I find, simple acts of kindness can brighten another person's day... Opening a door.... allowing someone to make a left turn in traffic... Giving compliments to strangers or an acquaintance... family and friends too, of course.... The shock on people's faces is telling...They aren't used to being treated kindly. That's sad in itself, but most of the time, the shock is replaced with a smile in short order.

I do keep up with world events through some online newspapers, but I don't read them religiously. I just check in now and then. My mental health has improved. My wife even commented. I rest my case. <eg>
Aaron and Simon,

I used to watch cable news more than was healthy for me. I made a decision to stop watching, cold turkey. This didn't and doesn't mean I'm indifferent to the troubles in our world. I realized I couldn't affect things on a global scale. I could and do try to be kind to those around me.... to be a voice of reason when I can. I find, simple acts of kindness can brighten another person's day... Opening a door.... allowing someone to make a left turn in traffic... Giving compliments to strangers or an acquaintance... family and friends too, of course.... The shock on people's faces is telling...They aren't used to being treated kindly. That's sad in itself, but most of the time, the shock is replaced with a smile in short order.

I do keep up with world events through some online newspapers, but I don't read them religiously. I just check in now and then. My mental health has improved. My wife even commented. I rest my case. <eg>
A sensitive and beautifully written post Kim.

Thank you for your insight.
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