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Alum Ladd's Garden Shed

Any mice need clearing from the shed? I got two new Kittens?View attachment 1848040

Who doesn't like to talk about kittens?
I'l take gremlin kittie on the left. Serious cutie.

Love me a gremlin!
gremlins GIF

Random number generator?

I pick No. 47

Seriously, lovely felines there @Chef455 !

The official shed cats are proclaimed.

All hail the official shed kitties!
roman rome GIF
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Abandoned By Gypsies.
Goodness. The irony. I’ve been away awhile, too. Stumbled into the shed tonight of all nights to discover my friend Simon was away as well. Glad you are back.

Thought you may appreciate. This weekend another dear friend and retired Marine will be gifted a new safety razor kit: Razorock Game Changer, Proraso green, Simpson’s Duke, Nivea balm, and 100 Astra blades. He commented on the cost of cartridges and I offered to introduce him to the rabbit hole. It will feel good to pass this stuff along to a hearty soul.

Reading your posts tonight gave me a renewed sense of joy. I’ll step back out of the shed for a while, but you’ll find a fresh pot of tea next to the leather chair. Enjoy, my friend.
Goodness. The irony. I’ve been away awhile, too. Stumbled into the shed tonight of all nights to discover my friend Simon was away as well. Glad you are back.

Thought you may appreciate. This weekend another dear friend and retired Marine will be gifted a new safety razor kit: Razorock Game Changer, Proraso green, Simpson’s Duke, Nivea balm, and 100 Astra blades. He commented on the cost of cartridges and I offered to introduce him to the rabbit hole. It will feel good to pass this stuff along to a hearty soul.

Reading your posts tonight gave me a renewed sense of joy. I’ll step back out of the shed for a while, but you’ll find a fresh pot of tea next to the leather chair. Enjoy, my friend.
I missed you man!

Evil Otto says hi btw :wink2:

That starter kit sounds perfect, just shows your always immense kindness and taste as always.

You are the man! (Or certainly one of them!) :thumbup1:
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There was me plotting in my secret HQ tonight.

Anyone remember this gem from about 1980 by the way?

Why is the "progressive" yoof of today so uncreative from the grassroots, and lacking any sense of humour?

I blame waterborne plastics.
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I have been having a lot of luck with the Mostochlegmash Ladas blade recently. Bought 500 as they have been on offer (£5.99 per 100) here. A bit of a gamble but the first few shaves confirmed they are a blade of some quality.

It was one of the first times I have actually worked through a tuck consistently (shocking stuff) being a terrible ADD sufferer when it comes to blades. Or maybe a blade butterfly. I flit from brand to brand with a rather reckless abandon.

Anyway I found the Ladas to be sufficiently long legged with 5 excellent to very good shaves per blade being achieved, and the consistency was rock solid from that small sample. While not top tier in terms of sharpness (sometimes an advantage) they were perfectly sharp enough to deal with my whiskers which are slightly above average in terms of wiryism (new word alert) so they are no pushovers without thorough and prolonged hydration pre-shave. Edge deterioration was also very nicely consistent.

In terms of smoothness they are remarkable. I have not had a single weeper in 25 shaves with the tuck. Not a micro dribble. Nothing. I found this noteworthy. In short, for the price they appear an excellent working mans blade.

I also bought 200 Astra Superior Stainless dated 2019 manufactured at the St Pete plant. Very much looking forward to trying these next. I suspect they will be good.

Strangely I have never wanted to try the Astra SP. I have always been put off by the packaging. Oddly depressing. I find the SS packaging to be much more cheerful.

Amazing how packaging can affect and prejudice (quite irrationally and unfairly) a product, even without using it.

I recall something similar with cigarette pack designs when I used to smoke.
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I could say, "Simon! You don't know what you're missing! Try an Astra SP ... you'll love it. I know I do!"
But I won't. :laugh:
I don't know what it is about Russian blades but they have, without question, become my favorites: Perma-Sharps, Astra SP's, Nacets, Voskhods and the most underrated one among 'em in my opinion, the Rapira Platinum Lux and, yeah, the Ladas as well.
I know Proctor & Gamble is moving a lot of 'em out of Russia now due to the current political situation. I'm glad I've grabbed a bunch of Russian blades while they were still available. The Russian-owned blades are still there but, man, the price has gone up. 😲
I could say, "Simon! You don't know what you're missing! Try an Astra SP ... you'll love it. I know I do!"
But I won't. :laugh:
I don't know what it is about Russian blades but they have, without question, become my favorites: Perma-Sharps, Astra SP's, Nacets, Voskhods and the most underrated one among 'em in my opinion, the Rapira Platinum Lux and, yeah, the Ladas as well.
I know Proctor & Gamble is moving a lot of 'em out of Russia now due to the current political situation. I'm glad I've grabbed a bunch of Russian blades while they were still available. The Russian-owned blades are still there but, man, the price has gone up. 😲
It's funny but the situation is still "good" here. Touching wood with one hand as I type this slowly :laugh:

I can pick up all the original 7 O'clock range of RUS manufacture, many of the hangers being made 5+ years ago at good prices. I picked up 100 Nacet last week for £9. Made in 2019. Perma-Sharps are creeping up a bit though. All the Moscow made blades available still. The Rubies have dried up though.

All 3 versions of Plats, (old stock packaging, new stock and the 'Swedes') and NOS and current GSB. All SuperMax types still. Even some old Israeli stock Viking Sword.

This is from UK based suppliers. Not RBC. So I'm still stocking up, albeit slowly. Maybe 2k+ blades stashed now. I get through maybe 50 blades a year..

I would like 3k blades stashed. Completely irrational I know, but one of the very few negative symptoms of being part of this great company of Gentlemen. Obsessive hoarding of specific items.

What are expensive though are the new Far East 'wonderblades' of B&B fashion.

Those Suneko's for instance are £24 per 100 shipped here from Ali.

No way.
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