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Alum Ladd's Garden Shed

I would like to give my love and gratitude (I don't think those are extreme terms) to all Gents who have kept the shed alive during my absence.

I've been feeling a little rough lately. I have tried not to dump any distress I've been feeling onto you guys. Truth is, I've found communicating difficult in the past few months. Kind of went into myself, and I didn't wish to bring you down.

I'm still emotionally somewhat damaged by the aftermath of the Oct atrocities and worse, the appalling victim blaming and mass denial of realities amongst certain elements in our nations. And there is a perversely proud resurgence of ancient hatreds us rational folks thought had been destroyed. I feel betrayed and oddly vulnerable. For the first time in my life I felt a connection with those poor souls of the 1930's.

Dark and evil elements are once again stalking the earth, and I thought all this was was gone. It has shattered my belief in an inevitable progress of truth and the light.

I would like to hope that there are hundreds of millions of good souls in the US and in the West who still distinguish black from white, good from evil and truth from a perverse propaganda campaign, which has sadly infiltrated your youth and the most prestigious places of learning, who have now become morally rotten to the core.

I apologise for my absence and (hopefully temporary) inability to communicate in my former fashion. Please G-d this will pass.

I love you all.

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I would like to give my love and gratitude (I don't think those are extreme terms) to all Gents who have kept the shed alive during my absence.

I've been feeling a little rough lately. I have tried not to dump any distress I've been feeling onto you guys. Truth is, I've found communicating difficult in the past few months. Kind of went into myself, and I didn't wish to bring you down.

I'm still emotionally somewhat damaged by the aftermath of the Oct atrocities and worse, the appalling victim blaming and mass denial of realities amongst the nations. I feel betrayed and oddly vulnerable.

I apologise for my absence and inability to communicate in my former fashion. Please G-d this will pass.

I love you all.

Sorry you're feeling like that Simon. We all have times like that and the media doesn't make it any better. Trust me, I'm sure you've seen what we see here (every day) on this side of the pond regarding the crisis you mentioned.
I too pray that it'll all pass!
Hope you feel better soon!
There will always be those times when despair rises up in each of us. What happens is the caring and appreciation of others that helps make us whole again. Things will always occur which make us question ourselves and the actions of others. What we do then is what defines us. You are on the mend Simon. It's good to see/hear you again.
Deep appreciation to all!

Hopefully we can again discuss the usual gentle nonsense that the Shed was created for.
And you created it Si…as Head of Shed you should be very proud of this small but welcoming space.
We all love to visit the shed at various times…..it’s a mini sanctuary for us ….a virtual one but a very fine place to pop in and check what’s what.
Sending you love and support mate.
I would like to give my love and gratitude (I don't think those are extreme terms) to all Gents who have kept the shed alive during my absence.

I've been feeling a little rough lately. I have tried not to dump any distress I've been feeling onto you guys. Truth is, I've found communicating difficult in the past few months. Kind of went into myself, and I didn't wish to bring you down.

I'm still emotionally somewhat damaged by the aftermath of the Oct atrocities and worse, the appalling victim blaming and mass denial of realities amongst certain elements in our nations. And there is a perversely proud resurgence of ancient hatreds us rational folks thought had been destroyed. I feel betrayed and oddly vulnerable. For the first time in my life I felt a connection with those poor souls of the 1930's.

Dark and evil elements are once again stalking the earth, and I thought all this was was gone. It has shattered my belief in an inevitable progress of truth and the light.

I would like to hope that there are hundreds of millions of good souls in the US and in the West who still distinguish black from white, good from evil and truth from a perverse propaganda campaign, which has sadly infiltrated your youth and the most prestigious places of learning, who have now become morally rotten to the core.

I apologise for my absence and (hopefully temporary) inability to communicate in my former fashion. Please G-d this will pass.

I love you all.

I feel you Simon, I have long ago unplugged from social media and media in general. The older I get, the more manipulation I see, it seems like it is worse today. But is it? We've had Roman Circus since the times of the Romans. I agree that it seems some force is trying its best to just tear apart the world. Some ideologies are being pushed today that have never been pushed before. I choose not to be a part of their world, I function in it, but not a part of it. Prayers and faith have gotten me through. I pray for you too my friend.
Where In The World Am I?

Yeah I know it's a real thread but lets have an occasional one here.

Yep it's an old, old photo, pre-1914 but actually it's pretty much unchanged.

Where are we?
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Simon, I'm glad to see you rummaging around in the Shed again! I have noticed your absence and appreciate you taking the time to open up to us a little bit. I share many of your world concerns as you know from a chat or two.
Just know that you have many friends here and that you're not alone. An ocean may separate us but friendship and support is only a keyboard away.
Take care, my friend.
Your pal,
Simon, I'm glad to see you rummaging around in the Shed again! I have noticed your absence and appreciate you taking the time to open up to us a little bit. I share many of your world concerns as you know from a chat or two.
Just know that you have many friends here and that you're not alone. An ocean may separate us but friendship and support is only a keyboard away.
Take care, my friend.
Your pal,
Deeply appreciated Dan as always!

I get that we are almost certainly the large or even vast majority, but we suffer from being the silent majority.

We must stop being silent.

As a greatly esteemed Gentleman on this forum has as his profile quote; “Bad men need nothing more to compass their ends, than that good men should look on and do nothing.”

Greatly appreciate the deeply thoughtful and eloquent responses from so many Brothers upthread!

Anyway, right will inevitably prevail, so lets talk of lighter things from now on.
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