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Alum Ladd's Garden Shed

Mr. Shavington

Knows Hot Turkish Toilets
I envy Alan. I used a die to keep track of the number of shaves through my rotation. My wife threw it away. She said it was stupid. Then I explained its purpose. She seemed to have thought that it had no purpose when she threw it away. Why would I have it there? Perhaps you might have asked me about it?
I replaced the die. No comment from wife
Please let us know when the new die disappears. I don’t think it’s the end of the matter.
Are there any crisps or anything? I can nip to the shop if not.
Cupboard to the right. Big 6 packs of cheezy wotsits, bacon crispie things (i am very much into them at the moment) and assorted crisps. Overstocked on cashew nuts but there was a good deal at Poundland. Several dozen King Pot Noodles top cupboard. Chow Mein flavour I think. Beers in the newly installed fridge. That's near sink. Unchilled cases at the back. There is a pint of milk in the fridge too, just for show.

Large stack of various Indian, Chinese, Pizza joints and other takeaway menus on small table by sofabed and easy chairs.

Outside there is a portable bog in a small tent thing that I got from Milletts. But go easy on it. Literally.

I must draw a shed schematic.
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I used a die to keep track of the number of shaves through my rotation. My wife threw it away. She said it was stupid. Then I explained its purpose. She seemed to have thought that it had no purpose when she threw it away. Why would I have it there? Perhaps you might have asked me about it?
I replaced the die. No comment from wife
Absurd behaviour.
Please let us know when the new die disappears. I don’t think it’s the end of the matter.
Mr. Shavington has got a point there. Bet it happens again.

I would put 2 down but superglue 1 to the top @Quaznoid. Just for jollies.

2 would attract an illogical ire. Good bait.
I really feel I must comment on the inadequacy of Lidl's white long grain rice.

Despite a favourable price point of 99p for a kilo, it must be carefully watched while boiling.

It must also be removed from heating at precisely 7 minutes, otherwise it turns very rapidly into an unusable mush.

In contrast, both Sainsburys and Tesco provide a more drunk-preparer friendly white long grain rice, with the average cooking time at a more reasonable 13-15 minutes.

This allows more time for the inebriated preparer to urinate and type short posts on their forum of choice, without undue angst as to a mushy and inedible rice situation.

Granted, the latter suppliers' products are between 40-60p more, but I strongly feel this is a small price to pay for a more stress-free urination scenario, or a more thoughtfully composed post.
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I really feel I must comment on the inadequacy of Lidl's white long grain rice.

Despite a favourable price point of 99p for a kilo, it must be carefully watched while boiling.

It must be removed from heating at precisely 7 minutes, otherwise it turns very rapidly into an unusable mush.

In contrast, both Sainsburys and Tesco provide a more drunk cook-friendly white long grain rice, with the average cooking time at a more reasonable 13-15 minutes.

This allows for the more inebriated preparer to urinate and type short posts on their forum of choice, without undue angst.

Granted, the latter suppliers' products are between 40-60p more, but I strongly feel this is a small price to pay for a more stress-free urination scenario, or a more thoughtfully composed post.
I have absolutely no idea whatsoever what you're talking about, Simon, but nonetheless, I admire your writing skills and think you're a very cool cat. :ouch1:😆
Your pal,


Abandoned By Gypsies.
Was on a walkabout this evening and stumbled into the shed again. Noticed rice cooking on the stove, plenty of time on the timer. Someone was in the loo. So I turned down the burner, tidied up by putting a wadded crisps bag in an empty pizza box, and tiptoed out.

I love this place.
Was on a walkabout this evening and stumbled into the shed again. Noticed rice cooking on the stove, plenty of time on the timer. Someone was in the loo. So I turned down the burner, tidied up by putting a wadded crisps bag in an empty pizza box, and tiptoed out.

I love this place.
Thanks for the clarification Brother @Messygoon !

I saw a Hall Of Fame baseball legend doing some useful tasks, but I just put it down to the old DTs kicking in again.

It makes a change from green Sloths climbing up the wall.

Oh, here comes one now!

sloth GIF

I love these guys!
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Blade Biter
I really feel I must comment on the inadequacy of Lidl's white long grain rice.

Despite a favourable price point of 99p for a kilo, it must be carefully watched while boiling.

It must also be removed from heating at precisely 7 minutes, otherwise it turns very rapidly into an unusable mush.

In contrast, both Sainsburys and Tesco provide a more drunk-preparer friendly white long grain rice, with the average cooking time at a more reasonable 13-15 minutes.

This allows more time for the inebriated preparer to urinate and type short posts on their forum of choice, without undue angst as to a mushy and inedible rice situation.

Granted, the latter suppliers' products are between 40-60p more, but I strongly feel this is a small price to pay for a more stress-free urination scenario, or a more thoughtfully composed post.
Boring practical stuff, but you could try steaming the rice rather than boiling.

Rinse well, coat a sauce pot with some oil, add the rice and enough water to cover them + 1 extra CM. Bring to boil then lower the burner to bare minimum. cover then leave it for 10-15 mins.

Perfect every time. Even if the base cakes up while you tend to your bladder, 90% of the rice will still be nice and firm.
Evening shed sleepers!

Here is an interesting thread I had forgotten about Vintage Feather 3 piece razor - https://www.badgerandblade.com/forum/threads/vintage-feather-3-piece-razor.631951/#post-11991406

An interesting Japanese vintage "Feather" comes up, in which I delve into and solve some of the mysteries of early 30's Japanese DE blade and razor production.

KAI and the subsequent Japan Safety Razor Co existed from the early 30's and the founder used the Feather trade mark to get around demands from department stores that were their main outlet, that they put their names on razors.

This is NOT the post war Feather Co. It's KAI/JSR.

Fascinating stuff, if you like this sort of thing. Enjoy!
Tomorrow I will tell all you unconscious drunks about my amazing UFO experience.

Move up @lasta it's not the biggest sofa bed.

And stop doing that with your eyelids. You look like an inebriated Predator doing the face thing like right at the end with the Arnie/mud revelation scenario.

I see that those 4x24 can crates of Perla 7.6% Black was very popular amongst shed dwellers tonight.

Thanks for leaving me 2 or 3. Like not.

Shocking stuff.

Luckily I have a 4 pint plastic flagon of Old Basterd Traditional Apple Type Cider stashed. 8%.

The motto on the label "For the alcholic on a budget" I find cheery.

That will suffice.
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My wife wants a she shed. This imaginary twilight zone shed is a great idea. I just don't like the thought of putting a shed on the postage stamp size yard I have. Than the hassle from the local building department who wants the shed to be hurricane proof. Who cares if the shed is bouncing down the street hitting every car and house. The cars are getting bombarded with roof tiles anyways.
Aha, another journal I didn't know about. Had no idea you had one Simon.
Just added it to my "watched threads" list!
Well come in anytime and see how you like it!

Best to think of it as my own barbershop thread, with often non shaving stuff mentioned. A place to hang out and talk about what you want, B&B rules excepting, which are pretty liberal to our great fortune.

I will be speaking of razors, software and shaves as and when.

Expect some witty humour and off the wall posts.

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