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Aligning the safety bar on a Slim Adjustable

So, the safety bar on my '63 Slim is a bit off kilter and I decided to have a go at it. As such, I went out and bought myself a feeler gage (as per a recommendation I received in an earlier thread) so I could do a decent job of it. However, I realized that I'm

a) not sure what the proper gap should be at a setting of 1 and,

b) I'm unsure where I should be taking my measurements.

If anyone can fill in these blanks I'd consider it a great kindness. Also, do I need to measure the gap at different levels to ensure that it's progressing through the settings properly or can I assume that if I have it straight at 1, that it's good to go?

Thanks again for all of the help gentlemen.
What is proper is not as important as what is consistent when using adjustables. As long as the gaps are level and even on each side, and the silo doors operate correctly, it doesn't matter. It is an adjustable razor. You can always adjust down or up.
What is proper is not as important as what is consistent when using adjustables. As long as the gaps are level and even on each side, and the silo doors operate correctly, it doesn't matter. It is an adjustable razor. You can always adjust down or up.

+1 with Guido!
Boy did I need to run into this psot! I dropped my slim a few weeks ago and bent the saftey bar, and it screwed up the angle on one side. Definitely having a go at self repair tonight.

Don't worry Guido, I am still taking good care of it!:smile:
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