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Advice for a 2nd razor?

What razor to get next?

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If you have plenty of shaves with your first razor, I think you will like the R41. Use that for a while, then get your end all be all razor.
Hello everyone,

I've been using my Merkur 34C for over a year now, and I have noticed two small problems. 1) clogging is quite common, 2) blade is not evenly spaced out on each side.

I'm quite tired of it and would like to try out some new razors. I want to go ahead and try out an open comb razor. Any suggestions for a good first open comb?

In regards to closed comb, I'm not sure where to go next. I keep reading that the Rockwell 6s is a nice first adjustable razor... I also want to go for a vintage Gillette (fatboy or slim). I also learned about Lambda razors a few days ago... and I've signed up for the waitlist.
To get tight tolerances, I suggest getting a fully-machined razor (in whatever metal), rather than a cast (chrome-plated Zamak, most of the time) or bent (lots of vintage Gillette's) razor.

If you want an adjustable, the Pearl Flexi (either closed comb, or open comb) is a reasonable choice. I have a closed-comb Flexi, and it has tight tolerances, a wide range of adjustment, big openings for expelling lather, and a nice grippy handle. It is heavy, which you may or may not like. I get nice shaves from it, after figuring out the correct setting for blade gap.

. Charles
Try the Karve Bison. There's eight rinse channels in that baseplate. If that razor clogs, you need to start shopping for shaving supplies at the local livestock feed store. There's a wait time for these things, and yes, they're aluminum. But I'm thinking they're among the best kept secrets in the wetshaving world right now. When the word gets out, wait times will skyrocket.
Thanks for the replies everyone. I may have gone a bit overboard... ordered a Mühle R41, Rockwell 6s, and a Fattip Picolo...
I'm going to calm down and keep looking at everyone's recommendations. Will probably end up selling a few in the future, but I really just want to try out a few.
Thanks for the replies everyone. I may have gone a bit overboard... ordered a Mühle R41, Rockwell 6s, and a Fattip Picolo...
I'm going to calm down and keep looking at everyone's recommendations. Will probably end up selling a few in the future, but I really just want to try out a few.

Missed that.

But enjoy your choices!
The R41 is one of my all time favorites, and I have a few Fatips as well.

Still, buy a Karve :)
(The art of enabling still in full effect)
If you are looking at a vintage Gillette New Long Comb or Short Comb, just remember, being all-brass they can be replated. My New SC was replated in nickel and though made in the 1930s it looks practically new.

Watch out for bent combs on the vintage New razors. Otherwise, they are made to last.
Trying multiple razors is the only way to find what you like best. Keep an eye on the BST here and you can pick up used ones for good prices and resell them without losing much money if you don’t like it.

To me the R41 was like scraping glass across my face. Haven’t tried it since very early in my shaving adventures so maybe it wouldn’t be as bad now. But still one of the worst razors I’ve ever tried.

I have a 6C which is similar to the 6S and think it’s a good shaver but I have other razors that shave better and have a thinner head which makes it easier shaving in tight spaces. But the Rockwell should be a good shaver for you.

I’ve never tried the Fatip but many love them and they’re on my list to try. If you find you like OC razors everyone seems to love the Timeless OC and they’re supposedly much smoother to shave with then other peoples OC but I haven’t tried one yet. The Ares is also highly recommended.

For regular closed comb razors my favorite so far is the RazoRock GameChanger series which can be had new for around $55 or sometimes used for $40-45. My preference is the .84p plate but the .76p may be better for someone that likes a milder shave. The .84p isn’t very aggressive though. They also have a new .105p plate but I haven’t tried it yet.

I also highly recommend the cheap Chinese AX-SE from DSCosmetics sold on Ali for around $20. They are a Wolfman clone and comes with 3 baseplates for $20. If you like it they also have a SS heads with one baseplate for $45 but aren’t in stock at the moment.

Other recommendations for modern would be Muhle Rocca, EJ 3one6, Athena, and everyone loves the new single edge La Faulx razor that takes AC blades.

On vintage I really prefer the Gillette Red Tip over the adjustables but from the few shaves on my Slim/FatBoys I think my Slim shaves smoother and can be had for $20-30 on the bay. The Gillette Tech is also worth trying out since you can find them for $10-15 easily on the bay. And I highly recommend trying the Schick Injector razors and maybe even the GEM razors.

For vintage my advise would be keep an eye on the bay for razor lots and buy a bunch in one package. A Gillette Tech or Schick Injector may sell for $10-20 on its own but there is listings almost daily where you can buy 5-10+ razors at a time and get them for under $5 each with auctions. It’s how I ended up with tons of vintage ones to try. Usually if there’s an expensive razor in the lot like an Aristocrat or FatBoy the price will go up but it’s still the best way to buy them.
For vintage my advise would be keep an eye on the bay for razor lots and buy a bunch in one package. A Gillette Tech or Schick Injector may sell for $10-20 on its own but there is listings almost daily where you can buy 5-10+ razors at a time and get them for under $5 each with auctions. It’s how I ended up with tons of vintage ones to try. Usually if there’s an expensive razor in the lot like an Aristocrat or FatBoy the price will go up but it’s still the best way to buy them.
Since the vintage rabbit hole seems to have opened up, this is the route I would(have) go(ne).
Having tried Merkur and Muhle/EJ closed combs (and having sold or let collect dust) I tend to reach for my Fatboy often, then the slim.

A lot of moderns left me surprisingly disappointed. Slants like the 37 (Razorock and Merkur) I enjoy and the Razorock superslant. The old “Above the tie” R, M, and slant series are the only moderns I really like. A Wolfman WR2, Razorock Lupo and gamechanger were very “meh.”
Since the vintage rabbit hole seems to have opened up, this is the route I would(have) go(ne).
If you’re new to vintage buying a “lot“ of razors in one sale can be fairly rewarding. Not many people think about it until they have a dozen later on.

I tend to see one decent small (3-4 razors) lot every week and one good larger lot (at least 7) come up every month.
Thanks for the replies everyone. I may have gone a bit overboard... ordered a Mühle R41, Rockwell 6s, and a Fattip Picolo...
I'm going to calm down and keep looking at everyone's recommendations. Will probably end up selling a few in the future, but I really just want to try out a few.
Good choice. Three very different razors among which you will find one that fits for you.
Enjoy and take your time to test them.
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