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Ad is older than the razor.

Wait, how can that be? Well, it just may be me. But when I do a search for a razor I am looking to buy. Not what razor someone lucked out into buying 7 years ago. Seems like I waste so much time clicking on a link on for a razor I have been searching for and after wasting time, oh, yeah, I finally found one. I see the ad was dated Dec. 13 2001. Sold. (SOLD) ???
2001, ok let's see. I am looking at my fingers and counting. Ok that's an ad, maybe 12 years old or close to it. Dung! I don't mind when the ad was recently closed out, but after a few weeks or so. Remove it. Please. I'm not specically talking about sites like Ebay, or Cragslist. I am taking about all sellers. I don't waste time searching until I am ready to buy. I keep my finger on the buy button. Ok, I admit I use Google too much for a search, is there a Google for current listings? I have had good luck on here. I come back often for the classified seem to be updated. Sorry for sharing my fustration but I have always been quick to close out an ad that has been sold.
It bothers me to go to a site that advertises a paticular razor then they have "sold" stamped accross everyone. it would take less time to just remove the ad. If it's not for sale put it in the gallery section or somewhere other than the for sale page.
I think that legally when you click on a for sale item that has already been sold, you still have to forward them the final purchase price.

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news.
Craigslist ads automatically expire after, I think, 30 days. eBay listings hang around for something like 6 months. What kind of ads are you seeing that are many years old?
Alot on Ebay searches, Etsy is another one. Just bothers me when I click on an ad for a razor and see that it was marked sold 8 months ago.
You see it a lot more when you seacrh for a specific item.
I understand your frustration. I also see my search in places totally unrelated to the razor just so they can deposit a cookie on your computer or a virus. Better yet you click on the link then it shows wrenches, shoes but nothing about your search.
Search engines will find archived listings, since search engines have no innate intelligence and can't tell the difference between old and new listings . . . it just "finds" listings that match up with what you're looking for.

Use the search tools inside eBay, etsy, or Craigslist and you will only find active and available listings, rather than letting Google find the outdated ones mixed in with the good ones!
Use the search tools inside eBay, etsy, or Craigslist and you will only find active and available listings, rather than letting Google find the outdated ones mixed in with the good ones!

I agree. Google casts a pretty wide net. As great a search engine as it is, I wouldn't use it to find razors.
If you want to get really lucky, learn to translate what you're looking for into other languages and do searches.
You never know what you'll find.
You know what. I thought I was savy at doing web search. You may have opened up a whole new world for me. Thank you.
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