I've been waiting all summer for some time to make some acrylic scales and this last week finally had the time and material. Plus, another member wanted a different set of scales on a razor I sold him, so now I even had a purpose. I was a bit worried because I'd tried once before with plastic clipboards and that was a disaster. This time, however, I got some 6"x1.5"x1.5" blanks of cast acrylic which turned out to be a delight to work with. The same company also sold a micro mesh kit that went from 1500 to 12k grit which I also purchased.
The transformation of the inlace acrylic from its original appearance to final polish is amazing. Take a lolooks his is two different castings. The two middle pieces have hade some preliminary polishing up to about 400 grit. Compare to the outside pieces which are not sanded.
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A closeup.
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Here are pics from the second set I made(cracked the first ones through stupidity and haste):
just roughed and made flat on the belt sander.
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After final shaping, attached wedge and everything sanded to 220gr
View attachment 358600
2k grit
The transformation of the inlace acrylic from its original appearance to final polish is amazing. Take a lolooks his is two different castings. The two middle pieces have hade some preliminary polishing up to about 400 grit. Compare to the outside pieces which are not sanded.
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A closeup.
View attachment 358596
Here are pics from the second set I made(cracked the first ones through stupidity and haste):
just roughed and made flat on the belt sander.
View attachment 358599
After final shaping, attached wedge and everything sanded to 220gr
View attachment 358600
2k grit