Well, when I heard the moon was going to be in its closest part of orbit the other night I decided to grab a few pics.
Here is one I got, I wish I had a telescope for better/closer images, but a 450mm lens will have to do until that day comes.
Nikon D200 on tripod
Nikkor 300mm (450mm effective)
f/7.1 @ 1/160
iso 100
Anyone else get any shots of the Super Moon the other night?
Here is one I got, I wish I had a telescope for better/closer images, but a 450mm lens will have to do until that day comes.
Nikon D200 on tripod
Nikkor 300mm (450mm effective)
f/7.1 @ 1/160
iso 100
Anyone else get any shots of the Super Moon the other night?