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A rant about Youtubers . . . .

Hmmh, what shall I say? :confused1

Not only YouTube information is sometimes questionable.
In my opinion, it is a serious mistake to take everything at face value that is posted on the Internet.
There are some basic ‘How to Spot Fake News’ techniques (Consider the source. Check the author. Is there any other evidence that confirms the claim made? What do the experts say? What’s in it for the author?) that one can use to check facts and that could be adapted to your situation as well.

As far as shaving is concerned, it is a good practice to look for a broad consensus of what many shavers agree on and discard the few outlier posts that either praise something to high heaven, or condemn it to hell.

Buying something solely because some bloke on the Internet says it is good?
Not in a million years.

Anyone who does otherwise does so at his own peril.

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My elbows leak
Staff member
This is absolutely useful. I looked at videos when I couldn't figure out a technique or process. Wikis and step-by-step instructions are helpful but sometimes you need to see something done. I don't get the mindset that if it's on YouTube it must be crap.
I don't think that they are crap just because they are on YouTube, I think they are crap because they are crap. They just happen to be on Youtube.
There is some good quality stuff there, unfortunately the few diamonds in the rough are buried in a sea of rhinestones consisting largely of shills, attention hounds and money grubbing n'er-do-wells.
Welcome to B&B.

As @rockviper and @brucered said, many of those on YouTube have a vested interest in promoting certain products. A few years ago I met one of these so-called "experts" at a meetup. I was amazed at how many freebies he to - and didn't disclose on his videos.


First Class Citizen
Having grown up in the 'fifties, I learned what DE shaving looked like from watching my dad, so I find no need or attraction for watching others shave on YouTube. Besides, most of those guys talk too damn much.

But if you are just starting now, watching a few videos is arguably a good idea. Never mind any specific product recommendations--that's where B&B excels. But watch them to see what a reasonable DE shave looks like, and how it differs from cart shaving. Just might save you both time and blood.
I used to watch a lot of shaving videos, and a few times I considered some of their advice about products, but so far I haven't been burned. I don't really watch any shaving videos anymore. Kinda lost interest.

Stick around for a while. Once you exceed the required number of posts, you can try selling the "stinky" soaps in the B.S.T.

This. The explosion of artisan soap makers in recent years makes it almost impossible to stay on top of products, so I kinda lost interest in the newest and greatest. That said, I have not had a bad experience purchasing soap/cream/stick product based on YouTube vids.

Old standby manufacturers will always serve you well. A short list: TOBS, Cella, Williams, Arko, Proraso, Tabac, etc.

I also look for consensus on a product - the threads here will give you a flavor for that. Scent is also somewhat subjective.

Take that for what it's worth.

For the life of me I cannot understand the attraction some guy in his bathroom shaving has with so many people.
There is no way to vet their expertise aside from them saying so.
There is no way to vet if they really like a product or are being compensated by a company.
There is no way to vet if they are trying to be helpful or are looking to monetize clicks.
I dare say there are people right here on this forum who have higher expertise levels than any schmo on YouTube.
I've said it before, but it warrants repeating:
You don't need skill to be a youtube expert, all you need is a camera.
If you see some knucklehead on YouTube shaving with a weed whacker and peanut butter, you can be sure there are people out there subscribing to his channel and singing the wonders of a peanut butter/ weed whacker shave.
I am 100% with you here, Phil. A bunch of people on the Tube shave. At least half of them should never show their shaves to the public, because they just don't have the skills. Like that one schmo who can't make lather. It is dry as hell. At least 15 users tell him in the comments of every video, but he says (as if he's the expert) it's ok. And finally shows his unshaven mug to the public so we carefully inspect how he actually only did beard shortening (because I can't call that shaving, if half the length of the stubble is still there).
Case in point, I used Lilac Vegetal as an aftershave today. Some people will tell you it smells like a cat's litter box with a flower in it. I love the stuff.

Yes. I got a sample of it and instant no for me. I also wasn’t a fan of special reserve, though I think I’ll pick up another bottle to try again.

Mr. Shavington

Knows Hot Turkish Toilets
I think YouTube videos are a great resource when used right. If I am interested in a product it is really helpful to be able to see somebody using it, get a better look at it. I read reviews too, but seeing a product in action is a real boon. You just have to go into it understanding that nearly all of these people are idiots.

Of course you have to do your research and build up a balanced view. Figure out who knows what they are talking about and who doesn’t. Spot the ones that say half the products they review are “the best ever” - either they are being paid or they have only recently taken up wet-shaving. Ignore anyone who says something is good without stating what exactly is good about it, and what he is comparing to. And understand that everyone’s opinion is just their opinion, though over time you may find reviewers that have similar opinions to you about the equipment you have used, both good and bad.

All that said, watching YouTube shaving videos can be torture. Why is this guy saying the razor is fantastic when I just saw a 20 minute catastrophic bloodbath - and what could he possibly know about…anything? Why is this guy showing me a box, and some pieces of paper that were in the box, and the ingredients sticker on the soap? Why did I just watch 10 minutes of a guy lathering, and how will I ever get those 10 minutes back? Why is he flinging lather around like a chimpanzee, with his shirt covered in soap - does he eat like that too? Why are his upper lip and chin still dark grey, when he just said something, something, BBS? Why on earth is his bathroom that colour, and what should that tell me about the value of his opinions? Why is he already clean-shaven before he shaves (you all know I mean IAMCDB here)? And, most of all, why the hell doesn’t he just get to the point and then shut up (you all know I mean almost all of them here)?

Jeez, that’s a long post from me. Thank god I don’t make YouTube videos.

FWIW I like Shave 326 and Shave&Butcher. Haven’t found any others that I can tolerate. They both seem like honest guys who would just say what they think, and I actually enjoy listening to them.
I'm sorry that your experience was so rough. I confess that I enjoy watching some of the shaving and fragrance reviewers on Youtube, and I have a small channel of my own because, well, I like filming, and I like aftershaves (especially historical ones, being a barber's son) so it allows me to combine my hobbies.
However, I have never bought anything according to their recommendation. I have bought samples or gotten decants because something they presented intrigued me, but its all so personal.

I really like Grey Flannel. A lot of people hate Grey Flannel. One of the reviewers inspired me to try it out, and I'm glad I did. So whatever you do, get a sample of whatever interests you first, and try the sample at least twice.

Blind buy's are like blind dates. Don't expect anything from them except the privilege of paying for dinner.


Remember to forget me!
PooTube: My take on it

A platform owned and run by data harvesters, who run creepy digital stalker algorithms on every scrap of data they can extract from you, so as to develop more efficient ways of manipulating us.

The content itself comes from a wide range of needy people. Whether they crave free stuff, ad revenue, fame, influence, or just a little bit of attention and affirmation, you can be pretty sure each video posted is primarily for them, not their audience.

So we have needy people, being corralled and incentivised by mass manipulators, to try and manipulate the rest of us. They want my time, my attention, my data, my praise and loyalty, and the ability to manipulate my life choices and shopping habits ... and in return I get to watch some bloke have a shave...

Err... no thanks.

Most of my browsers and devices have been configured (so far as my limited tech knowledge allows) to block everything owned by Gargoyle and the other stalker media entities. If I ever do have cause to look for one of the rare informative videos like how to access and replace my laptop network card, I will use a separate browser, via a VPN... and on principle, if they ask me to like, subscribe, and join their pester list, I end the video immediately, whether they've gotten to the actual content or not.

While I am in rant mode... reaction videos seem to be a craze too... watching someone else watch a video. Just how empty does your life have to be, for that to be in any way fulfilling or entertaining?

I don't know if this has spread to the shaving realm yet, and people are choosing to watch someone, who is watching someone else have a shave, but if they are, the person who is filming themself watching a shave video, is probably even more needy than the person who is filming himself shaving...
There are some members who have shaving channels and they seem to espouse the transparency of this site, stating when they've been given a product rather than paying for it.
Broccoli is a great vegetable. It's good for you and pretty tasty.

When was the last time you saw an advertisement for broccoli? Well, I guess there's no brand name, no sponsor, no money to be made in that.


Mr. Shavington

Knows Hot Turkish Toilets
There are some members who have shaving channels and they seem to espouse the transparency of this site, stating when they've been given a product rather than paying for it.
But as soon as you have been given a free product - even just once - you will never be impartial. You cannot help being influenced to some degree by the gift and the possibility of future gifts / information / whatever due to your friendly relationship with the seller. You will naturally feel disposed to support them too, even if you don’t expect anything more from them.

It doesn’t matter to me if a YouTuber discloses when they have paid and when not. All of their opinions are equally contaminated. Only a YouTuber who has a strict policy of refusing all and any gifts can credibly claim to offer impartial opinions.
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